General Discussion

General DiscussionDoom

Doom in General Discussion

    Is he support is he offlane what to buy what to skill is he terrible right now in general


      I think you have to semi-support/jungle and playing heavily aggressively early on coming from the jungle and abusing the creeps spells you get. Much like enchantress in playstyle I guess. Later on with devour you should always have gold to buy utility items. That being said he is pretty terrible right now I feel.

      Dire Wolf

        Everyone just builds likens vs doom now and then he's totally fucked. Idk, the nerf to his bat was too much. I think with that reverted and how much dmg his blade does he could actually be a right clicker carry type. They completely fucked his utility with multiple nerfs to doom and scorched earth, and now you can't even get dooms off cus infernal blade doesn't pop linkens. I mean just look at this change log, doom has gone from 100s cd that applied break to 145s cd that only breaks with aghs and from 70 dmg a tick to 50. Scorched earth from 48 dmg/heal a tick to 40 and less move speed.

        Increased Doom ability icon.png Doom​ cooldown from 140 to 145.
        Increased Doom ability icon.png Doom​ cooldown from 125 to 140.
        Reduced Infernal Blade icon.png Infernal Blade​ base damage from 40 on each level to 25/30/35/40.
        Enabled in Captain's Mode.
        Temporarily removed from Captain's Mode.
        Increased base attack time from 1.7 to 2.
        Scorched Earth icon.png Scorched Earth​
        Reduced damage and heal per second from 12/23/34/45 to 10/20/30/40.
        Reduced movement speed bonus from 16% to 14%.
        Increased Doom ability icon.png Doom​ cooldown from 100 to 125.
        Replaced LVL Death icon.png LVL? Death​ with Infernal Blade icon.png Infernal Blade​
        Infernal Blade icon.png Infernal Blade​:
        Doom swings his burning sword, igniting the enemy. Stuns and applies a burn that deals damage per second based on the target's health.
        Cast Range: 128
        Burn Damage: 40 + 1.25%/2.5%/3.75%/5% of max health (magical)
        Burn Duration: 4
        Stun Duration: 0.3
        Mana cost: 40
        Cooldown: 16/12/8/4
        Notes: Is an attack modifier. Does not pierce spell immunity.
        Scorched Earth icon.png Scorched Earth​
        Reduced damage and heal per second from 12/24/36/48 to 12/23/34/45.
        Rescaled cooldown from 60/55/50/45 to 55 on each level.
        Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter no longer increases Doom ability icon.png Doom​ damage from 20/35/50 to 40/60/80.
        Increased Scorched Earth icon.png Scorched Earth​ damage and heal per second from 12/18/24/30 to 12/24/36/48.
        Reduced LVL Death icon.png LVL? Death​ cooldown from 8 to 7.
        Doom ability icon.png Doom​:
        Now requires Aghanim's Scepter icon.png Aghanim's Scepter to apply Break.
        Increased cast point from 0.3 to 0.5.
        Changed damage type from universal to pure.
        Reduced damage from 30/50/70 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 50/80/110) to 20/35/50 (Upgradable by Aghanim's Scepter. 40/60/80).

        Dire Wolf

          Put his bat back to 1.7, reduce doom cd back to 125, give him +2 more starting armor.


            He just isn't good, he needs a buff. Id say build him as utility but even then there are better choices than what he offers


              He lacks dmg \ ulti cd is too big

              Dire Wolf

                Or they could leave as is but reduce the cd on scorched earth massively. If scorched earth cd was 30 seconds he'd be pretty damn good.


                  He's been hit too many times with the nerf hammer. I used to love playing him offlane but now he just doesn't seem to do anything. Even when you successfully Doom someone its not such a big deal for the enemy. Doom just spends the rest of the fight being kited as he tries to hit people and his non-existent armour makes him surprisingly squishy. Basically when you Doom someone its a 4 vs 4 fight because Doom himself barely counts as a hero.

                  Needs some sort of buff before he's playable again.


                    Doom is a hero I put a lot of time into coming back after about 18 months off. I think his lack of popularity and lack of build adjustment with the changes adding in infernal blade/new items has resulted in him being pigeon holed as a greedy position 4 in higher ranks.

                    That said he can be a flexible role hero, mid game brawler or support but basically loses to a lot of high end carries after about 35-45 minutes depending on their farm.

                    He is not a hero you want to roll into a game as a new player with because what you devour and what items you get are somewhat dependent on your team and the enemy team make up.

                    One of the pro games last night finally had him being run as a right click tri lamer/jungler and they were wrecking people. this is the build I think currently is the strongest, but the internet culture has killed diversity in that pool of players who don't understand game mechanics and hero interactions so don't expect a lot of support from the generation copy+paste players.


                      I say keep that dogshit hero that way. Thank god


                        I played against doom and as doom, and the thing with his ulti is that it doesnt stop that hero from just running away. The doomed team can just not take the fight, and doom lacks any disable to force them. he has a giant suit of armor yet has 0 wtf.

                        Riguma Borusu

                          ^tiny is a fucking rock and he has none

                          terrorblade is basically naked and has million

                          ogre apparently has tough skin


                            Ye. It tb isn't rlly naked he got fucking rhino skin.


                              Daddy that's why I stopped trying to play him as a position four semi. When I do position four suppor, you need centaur stomp, saytr purge or net with euls and/or force staff. Imo the Shivas/blink is garbage. Popping a linkens is critical, and you have to do more than just doom someone.

                              Right click alpha wolf build needs silver edge and echo imo, but no one gets away when you have doom up and level 3-4 infernal blade. It's great for catching escape heroes (am and ember for example).

                              Every time I try tranquil a and drums into anything that dogs shit term crosses my mind.