General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

    Yo I'm up for a game in about 5

    doc joferlyn simp

      ayy lmao jacked


        To beat cancer you have to become a bigger cancer and defeat the smaller cancer.


          can't play atm, have fun bois


            vote me for president. i will give badge to everyone. 1k badge of shame, 2k badge of poop. 3k badge of alice, etc etc


              hey harmless, at that bracket simply learning to lasthit and understanding what heroes do will win you games really easily
              I don't k ow how many times I have heard this lmao
              It seems ppl have forgotten about the autism of the abyss


                I need the offical predicktor of mmr badge pls


                  lol joe i've always wanted to ask why you hang out in that thread so much

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    If your problem is mechanical skill. It's not the autism of the abyss that's holding you down.

                    It's your own autism of incompetence. Just practice and practice, should come naturally.


                      ^^^mods pls, giff us the epenis predicting badge

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                        anyone playing? apooop?


                          I have to cook bois I can't play
                          Damn its hard living alone


                            the thing about last hitting is that every1 is so bad at it when you first start that there's huge room for improvement. when everyone's so inefficient, the games you play are very differnet. you don't start playing proper dota until every1 gets last hitting down fairly consistently. there's a good reason why ppl always say learn to last hit. it's the easiest way to improve. you win games just by outfarming your opponents and as u get better at it then you start learning about other things in the game.


                              Im preventing the predict my mmr thread from being made but still there are retards that cant read shit. Doing my best to make this forum a better place


                                ^wow. mother Theresa?


                                  No, Father JOEMAMA

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    I tried to predict MMR a long time ago. I tried giving them the link to but for some reason they wouldn't check their MMR themselves.

                                    Their autism broke my spirit.


                             isnt that accurate anyway, b4 i calibrated this acc, my estimated mmr was 4.7 then i calibrated to 4.1 even when i stomped all games with timbersaw

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        Father Joel and Father Kelly, I commend your souls to the Omniscience.


                                          that's because calibration swings retardedly. if your first game was 4.7 average then i'd say yasp was accurate.


                                            haffy/alice can y'all go play some games rn?. for some reason i really like watching your bracket (sub 3k) play.


                                              fuk u bws, i can lose 100 more mmr and im still the highest out of us 3


                                                Mother Alice( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


                                                  nah i cant i review for tomorrow

                                                  @kelly karl renshin idk
                                                  stopping after losing 2 games will be the golden rule from now on


                                                    3.3 RIP

                                                    doc joferlyn simp


                                                      I was such a kind individual. My magic math skillz were very much in demand.


                                                        holy shit. you guys doing your part for the greater good. lmao. im actually shocked af to see the tons of ppl just spamming predict my mmr.


                                                          I can take a considerable amount of last hits with a fucking sandking with no passive while laning with a Sven withquelling.
                                                          The thing is I can't deal with throws like you guys do ,after my team gives up the advantage 3 or 4 times I tilt and stop trying

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            Even my fabled Vanguard-Echo Sabre AM cannot deal with retarded throws. Don't feel too bad.

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Haha that Wowin guy was relentless.


                                                                Atleast he still plays his acc and did not make another smurf, that is commendable


                                                                  lol. i actually spammed AM vanguard echo after that infamous thread and it was legit. but not sure if it's better than normal build.


                                                                    Roaming AM with atos is pretty good too


                                                                      oh look at that. a wild dragon lance.

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        I'll report you for feeding.


                                                                          dragonlance is a poormans sny


                                                                            yea u probably nailed the build. if u look closely and my games, that build made my manta timings all really bad lol.

                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                              i sincerely thought dragon lance could be the new meta build for AM. then i got sad when i ran out of mana.

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                I think the mana is still manageable by tread-switching and intelligent blinking.


                                                                                  "I don't k ow how many times I have heard this lmao
                                                                                  It seems ppl have forgotten about the autism of the abyss"
                                                                                  Exactly because of the autism of the abyss you can just be efficient at farming, let the enemy team throw their advantages (hell even in 2k people do idiotic pushes or doesnt push their advantages to the limit alot) and win easily by farm
                                                                                  Trust me
                                                                                  I wrecked havoc with AM in the abyss
                                                                                  Even if you have shitty laning stage they WILL NOT push, take roshan, or starve you to death by farming both jungle
                                                                                  They WILL NOT gank you (even if there are they are obvious and predictable as fuck, not to mention, sloppy) so easy farm easy life


                                                                                    14 min treads?

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Oh thank God I was not the only one to notice that. lmao


                                                                                        LMAO how is my treads timing so bad.


                                                                                          hey renshin how do i "spam" timber

                                                                                          i want to spam him but since hes not very versatile, is there a way around this like pick order or swapping between mid/offlane or w/e

                                                                                          or is it just unworkable


                                                                                            @haffy. you do, you really do, if you farm like a fuxin beast like i do. but you wouldnt know anything about that 2k scrublord.

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              Because you don't have Cleave nor Glaives to help you with farming. huehuehue




                                                                                                  i think im gonna spam more AM games to get better at the hero. and im gonna play him mid.

                                                                                                  i'm pretty sure its cancer dual lanes with contested last hits by my own teammate and the enemy that fucks up my early game item timings.