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General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion


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      We can play 5man stack like me bws apoop jacked and licetea or smtng like that


        also can do 5 apoops stack


          Pogchamp renshit is playing dota again. 5 man apoop rofl


            Give me 10 hours
            Its too risky to play on noons, u want to get 5 lp again?


              I never played with ppl in seatard beside bws. Feelsbadman. Gw jomblo terus


                No lets stay at the duo stacks
                We don't want people to steal our pos 1 and 2 kappa123


                  Bws lets play 8pm this night. Imma take pos1 and pick tb


                    Nvm i will show you mah arcana


                      OMG FUCK THIS GAME


                        Go mid jugg
                        I need to retain my pos 1 mojo


                          Apoop is actually a decent support


                            why does the lowest mmr in my team go mid
                            and one fucker last pick np jungle

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                              I shall put an end to magic


                                i hate this game


                                  Those who live by the wand, shall die by my blade


                                    -50 ez


                                      Magic of responsibility


                                        Renshin 5k dream ded?


                                          I become dogshit
                                          gg bws will be the 2nd 5k


                                            I won't let you down my man


                                              Jacked was right
                                              BF ursa is legit

                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                pretty sure fx will reach 4k first out of all of us if he continues at the rate he is going


                                                  He's starting to struggle abit tho
                                                  He doesnt shit out 20-1 every game anymore and starts to feed once in a while


                                                    I'm too lazy to use my 1k mmr advantage on fx to get 4k first

                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      still, i spectated one of his tb games farming map awareness item decisions all look pretty solid


                                                        You haven't seen my map awareness.
                                                        Walking into a 5 man gank is legit


                                                          Never give fx the playmaking role
                                                          There is a reason why he never play faceless void, magnus, etc

                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                            alice map awareness tho. killed by god strength'd sven. instant buyback tps in front of the god strength'd sven with sprout on cd

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              lmao i noticed. the mentality of farm --> fat --> win definitely applies to him


                                                                vlads? where's your manta and diffusal. and you call yourself antimage

                                                                doc joferlyn simp

                                                                  bws play antimage with blink diffusal in 2k to show us youre really 3k material. i mean alice can win by playing pos1/pos2 in 2k and she only plays techies


                                                                    I'm not a bear sir
                                                                    I was forced to become a bear and be like one
                                                                    I cut trees to get my honey


                                                                      to show us youre really 3k material

                                                                      I will get back to 3k if I get 5 LP stack again


                                                                        i mean alice can win by playing pos1/pos2 in 2k and she only plays techies

                                                                        Does having sub 55% winrate in 2k counts as "winning"?


                                                                          I have a 0 percent winrate in 2k ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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                                                                            I think i will spamming necro
                                                                            what a draft by dire, last two picks were tinker and clock

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                                                                            doc joferlyn simp



                                                                                I still lack a lot of things that i havent notice. Well last time i checked somebody told me that i had a really bad game sense. My lack of time in dota means i dont know the full power of "X" hero with "X" hero and when their lineup should be winning.
                                                                                Overall i still suck at predicting certain hero and certain lineup i bet licetea renshin could do this thing so that they could reach 5k


                                                                                  The reason 2k cant get out of 2k is they cant punish ppl for greedy draft. For ex this game
                                                                                  I would be pushing all of their tower before 10min because the carry(spec invo ta) need a lot of farm before they can kill somebody. I could destroy a lot of tower before that happen. They also cant kill me without lion coming into vision and stun me but when that happen i will just destroy him within 2-3 metha attack.

                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                    doesnt really matter as long as you play the carries who carry the hardest. try spec and dusa see how you fare. you dont need to think that much about the power spikes of each hero/team, since at the end of the day you will win if you are six slotted. hence, the carries who carry the hardest are those that reach their power spikes later than most


                                                                                      tbh, I know most heroes power spikes and weaknesses just by playing them all or watching a shit ton of games
                                                                                      Im a very weak player mechanically but i make up for it in my decision making and game sense


                                                                                        I was just trying to meme with mid io, i marked it in the map and called it, and it seemed like everyone accepted the meme. I walk into lane and ta is just standing there, as if she was mid, then flames me for wanting to go io mid, EVEN AFTER I FUCKING CALLED IT.
                                                                                        I actually hope he gets his throat slit and drowns in his own blood
                                                                                        I sincerely wish for him to have 2 beautiful children, who both die of cancer at the same time at a young age, leaving him crippled and scarred until he withers away a deflated old hollow left over of a man
                                                                                        I actually hope that someone presses a white hot brand between his eyes until it goes through his skull


                                                                                          Friendly player
                                                                                          Like i said 2k lacks the ability to punish greedy draft. You might as well try to pick 5man carry to my tb and i will take down all of your outer tower before 20min. With this you can had a lot of map control vs your enemy and you can just destroy your enemy. All t1and t2 tower grants around 200 gold even if you dont get the lh. Well that totals to 1200 gold on 1 hero that means 1200*5=6000k gold lead and there is no way your spec or am could get a lot of farm when we farm your jungle and take rosh then we end the game at 25min


                                                                                            My gamesense becomes sharper and sharper as the game drags on
                                                                                            I excel in the lategame by knowing every hero, downtime, and their item's interaction
                                                                                            The only thing that is good on my mid game is knowing enemies' power spike, I need to get used to playing against deathball, die less, and playing from behind, I rarely wavecut and I'll be trying to change that
                                                                                            More wikipedia esque bullshit analysis coming soon

                                                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                              tbh, I know most heroes power spikes and weaknesses just by playing them all or watching a shit ton of games
                                                                                              Im a very weak player mechanically but i make up for it in my decision making and game sense

                                                                                              this is me, but to a lesser extent. 3-0d bws mid eziest 1v1 of my life


                                                                                                My laning skills is also average, which is why I'm a horrendous midlaner, coupled up by the laziness and the knowledge to when to gank and midlane's efficient farm pattern, you get me who go 1-5 15 mins in if you put me on mid
                                                                                                One of the biggest aspect I've improved at is being able to utilize my farm better and pushing my hero's power spike to the limit, preventing enemies' greedy lineups to work


                                                                                                  I only won 3 out of 10+ 1v1 matches I've played
                                                                                                  I'm sure I rarely get more than 65 cs/10 min in the safelane
                                                                                                  I either play too passive or too agressively in the laning stage, you know those times when your cm froze the enemy offlane solo slark with his dark pact and pounce was on cd and he was 300 hp? Sometimes it takes me 1 second or more to notice the kill potential and bam I was too late

                                                                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                    i think i have great micro actions. back when i played 3 games a day i always checked the inventories of everyone in the minimap when i was waiting for creeps to have their hp whittled down by the enemy lane creeps, every 5 minutes. okay map awareness as well, i rarely get caught out in a bad position. all my deaths come from trying to fight the enemy lul

                                                                                                    but now im just shittier than before. bws could even beat me now in a mid fight. only time i can win is by being a nanny to the other carries. feelsbadman