General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion

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      im #ontilt

      doc joferlyn simp

        fuck off joe


          3.2k-3.8k its a hell man, im floating on there like 4 months cuz much random feeders and trowers but sadly always on my team, biblethump

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            but probaly doesnt need 1k games XD

            doc joferlyn simp

              when i cant decide which hero to pick and no one from my team wants to pick, i just go random and let them draft around me

              cuz fuck them and their stubborness


                TILT HAS ENDED

                now i only need 3(?) wins to get 3300

                mom said it's my turn to ...

                  GAHD IM SO HUNGARY SOMEBADY PLIS HELP ME FITE DIS FOR D BETTERMENT OF MY CONTRI (betterment of my weightloss program)


                    drink lots of water

                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                      Also how many push ups could you do in one go?


                        probably just 40 now, I lost lots of stamina when i started smoking


                          i can do 3 xD


                            Last time I did pushups was fucking years ago

                            mom said it's my turn to ...

                              Fucking fit fuckers


                                I have no arm muscles but i do run 12 miles every saturday abt 40-45 miles a week


                                  Stop smoking tasaina ur a retard

                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    how i imagine daddy now


                                      were all gonna die anyway,
                                      but ill try to stop


                                        When u skip upper body day

                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                          Guys help me make shitpost variations of my ex's message lel

                                          To my Annoying Little Chipmunk,
                                          Good night Baby 💕 I love you so so much and I had such a fun time talking to you today 😏😉😍😄 I really enjoyed being a naughty girl for my master and then getting a punishment 😉 and I especially loved to hear you moan from all of my videos which honestly, is one of the sexiest things to ever come out of your mouth 😏😋 you make me so incredibly happy *Dog* and I can't wait to one day be with you and start a family and just..... Spend the rest of my life with you 📅 😘 I'm so incredibly lucky to have you and just thinking about you leaves me with a massive smile on my face 😄 You are my reason to live babe and honestly, the way I feel when talking to you is exhilarating. (What a posh word, eh?) ☺️😄 I love your goofy laugh and your extra cheesy smile 😊 I love the way in which your breathing quickens and you murmur "oh my" whenever I send you a picture, whether it's naughty or not, I love the way your always there for me and will make me smile even when I feel as if I'm dying. I love the way you call me beautiful the moment you see my sleepy face in the morning or the way you laugh at me when I make those little noises when I'm confused.... I love the way you call me perfect because honestly *Dog*, I feel perfect when I'm with you ☺️ I love everything about you baby and one day we are going to be the perfect couple and then the perfect husband and wife and after that we'll be the greatest parents ☺️ and if we're extra lucky we'll be the greatest grandparents EVER! I mean seriously, we'll be the type of grandparents that make other grandparents jealous just because of how cool we are!! 👵🏻👴🏼👵🏻👴🏼👵🏻👴🏼 Ugh, I'm drifting away from the topic 😂 Anyway, no matter what we do in our life we will do the best we possible could and honestly, it doesn't matter what other people say.... All that really matters is that we love each other 💕 And I know for a fact that I love you... No wait... I'm IN love with you *Dog Lastname*.... God, I was only going to just say night night but oh well 😄 Night night, don't let the mosquitoes bite 😂
                                          Lots of love, your Cheeky Little Monkey! Xxx 🐵🙈🙉🙊😊😘💞💕💞


                                            we dont need to make variations cuz thats alr a shitpost


                                              oh wait no, thats a cringepost


                                                Cringe wrothy post

                                                Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                  So are we gonna play some games or you plan on staying in 3k 5ever :DDDDDDDDDDdddddddddddddd

                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    playing after lunch have fun without me lul

                                                    Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                      Im on my trash account 316289087


                                                        Im brown how cud that be me WutFace. Also im skinny af.


                                                          do you SEA clowns play unranked or ranked? ive been playing some games with my friend in india and those servers are just the worst.

                                                          i mean on top of 275-300 ping everyone is retarded. (as someone who plays on USE thats saying a lot)

                                                          死の恐怖 Haseo

                                                            Stay plump Mr. Beagle

                                                            doc joferlyn simp

                                                              Stay plump Mr. Beagle


                                                                Stay plump Mr. Beagle


                                                                  Stay plump Mr. Beagle


                                                                    Stay plump Mr. Beagle

                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                      I STARTED IT THEREFORE I FINISH IT
                                                                      C C C C C C C C C C C O M B O B R E A K E R

                                                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                                                        i still wish that Mr. Beagle will stay plump

                                                                        mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                          Stay plump Mr. Beagle


                                                                            i still wish that Mr. Beagle will stay plump


                                                                              fuck it dog why must u always do the C C C C C C COMBO BREAKER


                                                                                why is nobody online

                                                                                mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                  IM TRYING TO REVIVE IT BUT YOU FUCKING KILLED IT AGAIN YU CUCK


                                                                                    WHY U KILLED IT IN THE FIRST PLACE

                                                                                    mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                      SO I COULD REVIVE IT DUH HOW DO YOU REVIVE SOMETHING THATS STILL ALIVE? DUHHHHHHH


                                                                                        Stay plump Mr. Beagle


                                                                                          im finally back after days

                                                                                          mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                                                            Stay plump Mr. Beagle