General Discussion

General Discussion5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB

5uPeR SEACRekt 5h1tFe5t C1uB in General Discussion
D the Superior
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      ive reached ur mmr haffy, 3k is real bois

      pls be patient very noob ...

        It's seriously going to be my birthday tomorrow. What do I do?


          Haffy has accepted his fate as the Asian Benao
          But then again I know way too much shittier players who have more play hours than him


            It's seriously going to be my birthday tomorrow. What do I do?

            buy a small cake and a candle, bring it to ur room. turn off the lamp, light the candle then sing
            "happy birthday to me, happy birthday to me ...."

            Président® Salted Butter

              idk man, invite someone to have fun?

              pls be patient very noob ...

                Imma go do that now

                Président® Salted Butter

                  soooo apparently our school will do a musical play come February for our school's founders week, it's Cats, and I'll be Old Deuteronomy. Last time, we did The Lion King and I was Scar. Oh well, I want this to be my way of going out with a bang, but if I end up having to repeat 10th grade due to failing grades that would be really lame. Gotta start going tryhard on my school projects and assignments, I guess?


                    I don't think you need to try hard that much for 10th standard, it all just boils down to the basics and how clear your concepts are


                      Clement is 14?
                      Wow I thought he's 17 or smth


                        He's 15, if I am not wrong we share birth months

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                          For me 10th grades' was the most stressful, so much shits got poured on my mind and I had trouble with adapting my mindset, but it wasn't exactly hard
                          12th grade on the other hand (right now) shits are quite hard but I've seen enough patterns to deal with them without having much stress


                            11th grade requires FUCKTON of memorization
                            Worst year of my senior highschool, since I fucking suck at memorizing shits and I had no interest to even try to memorize them, luckily I slipped some mad skillz grades once in a while which somehoe helped me to pass through


                              Try preparing for medical colledge and stress will have a new meaning


                                Try to NOT rely on courses or don't take courses at all
                                Most of the time it will ruin your mentality and increases procrastination
                                I babyraged at my course and left few months ago, one of the best decision I ever made
                                Less money spent for my parents, and got better grades
                                Just listen and try to understand to whatever the fuck your teacher says, and try to apply logical thinking to them, and ASK if you don't get the shits, make sure to think and brainstorm before you ask or you might end up risking your dignity by asking obvious shits


                                  I know medical college is bullshit man
                                  High risk low payoff (maybe not in your country but it is here)
                                  Either you have to compete with tryhard nerds with brain powers in big cities or you get thrown/throw yourself away to uncivilized villages, risking yourself to get diseases while not getting much money in return, THAT IF you managed to survive 4 years of that body and mind torture you call "medical college"
                                  And I'm not even interested in having the responsibility of my patients' life, fuck that


                                    Not to mention the chances of getting robbed, rapped, killed, or whatever the fucking criminals that uneducated fucks do when you live in uncivilized places


                                      wtf theres also kids here


                                        I don't have courses but a our fucking education system is screwed up sideways so it doesn't even matter


                                          Ofc what did u expect, its a fucking video game ffs


                                            I am 12 btw


                                              "Theres also kids here"
                                              Says the guy with anime profile picture and Japanese name


                                                kids getting memed ez pz lemon squeezy


                                                  Ayy renshin has a special place in his shitlist for mk pickers he literally spent half the game cutting trees as antimage lmao


                                                    2 ultra kills in a game no rampages feelsblackman


                                                      I have missed so many rampages for the last three months lmao
                                                      I hate rampage ksers


                                                        Had a fun time with an Australian girl today, feelsgoodman


                                                          Happy birthday Doge


                                                            Happy birthday Dog

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                                                                Happy Birthday Doggo


                                                                  Which one is renshin. Or is one a smurf i guess. Also im 16. Fucking hate 11th grade i have a C in math because of some of the most retarded mistakes
                                                                  Teacher (on test): what is the 2nd derivative of blah blah i forget
                                                                  Me: find first derivative and circle it
                                                                  Teacher : wtf man wrong
                                                                  Me: BabyRage

                                                                  Johnny Rico

                                                                    PLS END


                                                                      A in ap us history tho FeelsGoodMan
                                                                      But my physics is also shit barely a B
                                                                      BabyRage so hard fuck. I need good grades so bad cuz i need to raise my GPA (3.4 unweighted as of the end of 10th grade), cuz i need to start application this summer, meaning senior year grades dont matter nearly as much. Fuck me man.

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                                                                          Applying to college. At least then i can start fresh and maybe even grab some puss. I just hate spending what seems like my golden years where my opportunities for fun seem to be barely intact doing stuff i either will never do again or hate doing.


                                                                            I got a B on my last test at least, the slow comeback is here.

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                                                                              D the Superior
                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                                  Yo renshin who uses the benao acc?

                                                                                  pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                    Woho thx m8s, we go dotka dis weekend ye?

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                                                                                      pls be patient very noob ...

                                                                                        Has the real benao come here yet?


                                                                                          Nope he hasnt


                                                                                            Ill get laid in college i hope. I dont have the time nor the accomodations nor the girls nor the reputation to get laid.

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                                                                                                Dlance and deso lol siege towers from behind its range SeemsGood.


                                                                                                  god damn it. time to learn slark


                                                                                                    R.I.P. riki, diffusal can no longer be self-cast