General Discussion

General Discussionbuff juggernaut?

buff juggernaut? in General Discussion
360 AWP no SCOPE

    jugg is so useless now he needs a buff?

    Riguma Borusu

      did you hit your head on something

      you play at 1300 mmr the only useless thing is you you can play carry CM if you want to

      Mary Poppins

        ^ ahahah how you build that ? ^^

        doc joferlyn simp

          jugg spammer complaining about the only hero he is good at roflmao good shit


            ho0w 'bout no


              Buff him to 50%

              doc joferlyn simp

                i didnt realize his winrate was so low

                Kill yourself in the name...

                  48-50% winrate.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    still i expected more since he is such a braindead hero

                    i understand him getting wrecked in 5k bcs people know how to take advantage of his low mana and vulnerability to silences, but with the lower brackets he should be at least getting 51% or smthng, maybe alot more in 3k-4k

                    Riguma Borusu

                      he's been too strong for too many consecutive patches, right now he's okay


                        Jugg isn't particularly strong it's just very versatile and fits into pretty much any strat. You can push with vanguard+ward, farm with bf, fight early with yasha-?diffusal, go mid, safelane, roam or aggro dual/tri. If you are desperate you can even jungle.