General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the maxium time u have played dota at a stretch?

What is the maxium time u have played dota at a stretch? in General Discussion

    So guys i just wanted to know how many of us around are like totally addicted to dota :p
    I have played at a stretch of 17 hours max during vaccs wbu? ;)


      4 hour,imma filthy casual.


        I can only play like for 3 hours straight ( without breaks) before my brain goes full retard and im forces to stop otherwise ill die of brain cancer.

        With breaks in between games i can play for around 7 hours but only when im super free which is like never. #studies_and_part time job


          92hrs back when I was a hell


            I've probably played around 17+ hrs of dota in one day when I had lots of weed lol. But never that much straight up..

            Mode adiman

              22 hours.


                Hahaha with weed :D
                22 hours -_- addict spotted -_-


                  2 days in a row non stop back in great Dota 1 days...


                    8 years starting with dota1
                    and yes im still noob :D

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                    doc joferlyn simp

                      about to go for at least 8 hours


                        7pm to 2 am was my max

                        went 1-7 or 1-8 that time so i never did it again

                        for non-dota games i once spent 16 hours in an MMO

                        Président® Salted Butter

                          12 hours at most

                          casual gamer

                            93 games in 1 week

                            so avg 13 games a day lul


                              Haha 13 games yes i have done that too like for each day atleast 13 :D

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