General Discussion

General Discussionok, I need a little advice

ok, I need a little advice in General Discussion

    So it happens that I'm standing as Ember mid against Alchemist who without end puffs acid spray. I cant even last hit, not talking about denying. What should I do? Change lane or ask supports to help me out? Isn't there anything I can do? Acid spray has 16 sec duration and 22 sec cooldown

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    casual gamer

      dont pick ember mid play him safelane


        you should learn to play


          either pull the creeps out of acid or go behind the acid or u can go for kill before he is 6 since he has no cc and no way to remove your shield


            or wait for him to kill ur creeps and then kill his creeps cause he will push the wave cause of acid


              I suck at Ember, but I pcked him to counter CK. Didn't wanna pick Shaker

              very good csgo player

                I'm not really good at this game probs 4k but I suggest that when laning against alch mid with ember buy stout shield 3 branches and 2 sets of tangos back when alch used to go fighting build my friend and I used to play 1v1 mid different match ups. We were around the same skill level and what I noticed is that you should never underestimate pushing the wave to get exp bonus. E.g when lvl 4 ember hits a mild power spike in lane 2 sec chains 150 magic dmg block. Keep right clicking the wave and go for a kill when alch comes to last hit. There will only be a ranged creep and alch left in lane if you were right clicking the wave. If you chains and shield burn is active your creeps will go under his tower. DO NOT RIGHT CLICK ON ALCH WHILE IN TOWER RANGE. just run him down with fire shield and in approx 3-4 secs chains will be rdy if needed. This is excluding other factors e.g rotations or differing skill builds but usually alch will only get stun at lvl 4 or later. You need to kill him before lvl 6 or the lane is probably lost even if you have been denying him can stack medium camp and go for rune to catchup. The safest way however to 'win' the matchup is to use creep aggro. To toggle onto your ranged creep, then max flame guard and try clear a stack with PMS. Also ask for a support to rotate before alch hits 6. Remember also to NEVER pick ember into an alch. Because unless ember builds a skadi, linkens or blink he can usually channel concoction and instakill you later with 1 major dps item due to your shitty armour and hp gains. Other than that plz correct me if I'm wrong or add to what I said. Sorry for the essay :/

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                    " picked ember to counter CK "


                      Yea I'm that stupid

                      Riguma Borusu

                        I wonder how sven would have fared against alch mid


                          A little advice, stay dead.