General Discussion

General DiscussionMeepo pickers in 4.5k+

Meepo pickers in 4.5k+ in General Discussion

    ^ please don't fucking pick meepo and end up on my team im trying to get my 2nd blue star so i can actually play my main again, you fuckwits.




        ''Kkk'' all jokes aside, fuck meepo picking wannabe trash.


          Meepo is the only pick that can carry your noob ass in most situations.

          Tbh I tend to win every game if the draft is suitable.

          Meepo counters hard meta morph and antimage, if enemiea dont have much aoe or crowd control. U were just unlucky to play with a noob meepo

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            Yea but not wannabes who cant actually know when to farm or help the team, im not saying every meepo picker in this bracket is bad ive seen some good ones every now and then,80% of dogshit tryhards who pick him cause of abeds dogshit influence triggers me.

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              Meepo pickers usually pick them when they should not. Tbh throughout my entire dota life I played once with w33ha smurf and once against a decent meepo. That was only 2 games that meepos were not trash. So i know what u mean.

              Personally I needed 150 games on my smurf and almost 300 here to play at least decently for 4.7 bracket. Despite the fact its my best pick for the win i rarely pick him cos of bad draft, where it would be an obvious lose cos u cant buy bkb.

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                If you are a meepo player in the current patch and your mmr is below 6k you are probably bad at the game/hero in general. The hero is almost as broken as it was with the cd reduction on death.

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                  Cos meepo counters am, drow strat, morph, jugger, luna etc.

                  But its so ez to shut him down. U cant spam it unless u are Abed.

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Meepo is very strong when pick right. He can snowball very fast and melt tower in a second. Also, his AOE damage early-mid game is painful.

                    Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                      U cant spam it unless u are Abed

                      Abed spamming meepo in a ranked random draft and winning 7 out of 10 games.


                        Thats what im sayin. But he has sick micro skills.

                        Potato Marshal

                          Meepo is so easily countered though, especially by popular carries like Sven.