General Discussion

General DiscussionWheel Button or Edge Pan? - Camera Controlling

Wheel Button or Edge Pan? - Camera Controlling in General Discussion
Mr. Takamura

    I don't understand how my friends (and some pro players) prefer edge panning rather than using their wheel button to move their camera. Did they use their middle mouse to bind other keys or is it something else?
    Personally, I use both. When it's just laning it's usually just the wheel button, but in teamfights or in hectic situations that need fast responses I sometimes edge pan along with the wheel button to get to where I want to look faster, and because of that my map scroll speed is 7000 something, which some of my friends consider too fast since they're using like below 2000 or 2500. I dunno, what do you think are the advantages and disadvantages of each type?


      there are no advantages/disadvantages

      it's just personal preference

      Mr. Takamura

        Oh and I forgot to ask 1 more thing, what's your preferred/optimal map scroll speed?


          5000 and i use both as well

          yung griphook

            idk any pros that dont use edge pan




                I use WASD for my camera control please help


                  WASD all the way, maybe I need help too


                    ofc there are advantages/disadvantages, but in general its just personal preference, yes.

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                        I use edge pan cuz i still play like in dota 1. F1 to your hero and click map to see allies... hold f1 to lock vision to ur hero kappa...