General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to escape low 4k faster?

How to escape low 4k faster? in General Discussion

    Man I was so happy when I got to 4k recently, and stayed 4.1k without trying hard anymore because I guess I was just tired of all those BS happening in my games. When you are in the mood to try hard, you tend to want to be in control of everything, yet as we all know the 9 other players are not part of your variables. Working around them will be hard because people f up here and there. People will have different ideas/approaches in a game that's never going to be explained because who wants to spend like 1 hour giving a lecture on, for example, why do I think that as LC prioritizing every single tower is better than joining any fight in particular.

    And yes, speaking about feeling not confident anymore. I'm feeling quite the same although that LC jungle still works here because apparently I'm the only one doing it right and nobody cares to stop me farming because my enemies think that it is to their favor of having a shitty LC jungle. I play a mixture of roles except Mid. Sometimes I play support and I know when is the time to push and how hard can we do it (e.g.: only the T2, or only the T3 without barracks and etc). Alt-clicking on the tower is not the hardest job after all, the problem comes when people don't listen or start getting picked off. Then some momentum is lost. Some morale is lost. The next roshan goes to the other team and the game can be lost due to them having better late games. And I tend to know it just by looking at the draft to see who's the biggest threat by late game and early game. Creating space, rotating, telling people to cut it off in the blaming game and focus on the game... not enough to win the game.

    And after having seen Lex's comment above, I should have considered quitting too. Lately I have been doing some BP party to make all my quests 3 stars (and aim to continue doing all daily/weekly quests and wagers) ignoring my real life responsibilities. Like, a final year project. I have not been touching that shet for 3 weeks making no progress because I'm a person who procrastinates just as hard as trying hard at dota. Not to mention the sleep problems video games (not just dota) gave me practically making me a night owl. I could go to other countries with 12 hours time differences and have no problem coping with the daytime there I guess. But then again, what makes me so confident that I won't want to sleep at daytime there just as I do in my own country...

    TL;DR, f your 4k. Quit it.


      HOLY SHIT mods can you actually highlight the so-called banned term whenever people tries to post something so they can actually know which words to replace and not spend like another 10 minutes trying to figure out what's wrong with the post.

      EDIT: ok I don't even know what words were banned in my previous post to add to the confusion. I give up.

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        this forum is getting more and more retarded every day xD


          Spam underlord bro, ez 5k for you.

          doc joferlyn simp

            lmao when i made the conspiracy thing on cookie's calibration thread i spent 5 mins trying to search for the "offensive" word. i had whatever on that post but turns out the banned word was synonymous to cat

            i tried putting periods between the words no such luck

            tried to comment each individual paragraph so that i can narrow shit down, took me another 2 mins to get it done

            highlight thing is a legit idea tbh


              Even killl urself is banned if written properly ;p

              I didint say some poeple should quit, but not make grinding mmr full time goal, consuming your whole freetime. Its especially to those high mmrs who have to play a couple of hours everyday to maintain that.

              we don't  give a fuck xD

                wow u guys help a lots :) thanks


                  Meh i work 50 hours a week , play a couple hours with son by himself every day and spend about two hours each night with the wife and I am still able to raise my mmr, so it's def possible to be able to do both . Although I will be doing college full time soon instead of working ,so 5k here we come lol . Edit forgot to add about 4 hours a week to workout.

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                    pu55y and mothherfucker are banned words, i always need to add some originality when i write them down


                      Good stuff. Real talk from the adults on this forums. Keep it real bros lex and vert. Don't let high mmr start to mean too much. And lex while u may be right in some cases, u r over generalizing. it's unfair to the 5ks who do have a life like mr.180 rofl.


                        What did i Do wrong when my live is shit and I still got 4k???



                          Mr 180 xd rofl

                          As Ive said there are exceptions so Im not generalizing but there is a problem between those high mmr guys from my own experience (people I personally know), and they always avoid discussion about quality of their lives, or jsut admit its shitty and they dont have anything else to do, or this long e-peen makes them feel that they are "someone" cos they are "no-one" when it comes to real life. Im nearly 30 now. And it is a problem for many dota players - that chase for a longer e-peen. If ure 2k u want to be 3k. If 4k u want 5k. If 6.5k u want to be a pro. This chase never ends, and thats why this system is genius to keep people playin the game.


                            ^ does it make you a someone if you go to gym every Day? How many ppls go to gym?
                            Does it make you a someone if you have a girlfriend? How many guys have a gf?
                            Thers much less guys with 5k mmr than guys that Run to gym...


                              I hear so Many guys talking about me im 21 yo and driving a car that worth 100.000 € They say my Parents paying all My live and shit. They dont See that im working 10 Hours every Day and that im Not wasting all my time and money beeing drunk as often as possible. All they See is my car. And you got the Same Problem with other ppls mmr. Maybe they just dont want to Run to the fucking gym 2 hours per Day and Enjoy dota much more.

                              Hanamichi Sakuragi

                                Agreed with Lex.


                                  Hartzfear you are talking about a completely different thing. Im not jealous. You are talking about people who are pissed off by the fact that they work hard, study and so on and barely make for a living, while u are showing off in your parents luxury car or car bought by parents. Even now you are showing it off like its your possesion. Its not related and no one can afford such things at your age apart from geniuses like Zuckerberg.

                                  Maybe instead of working 10 hoirs a day u should study? Cos u lack basic understanding of what u read.

                                  If u dont see anything wrong with being a nerd then you are in minority, sorry.

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                                  casual gamer

                                    pick heroes that scale well, have a ton of damage, and are survivable

                                    buy wand so 4k garbages will overcommit on u and then u kill them

                                    tp mid if you can kill their mid. check this lane constantly as sypport

                                    a hero like morph will always rape these 4k monkey players because they cant coordinate burst and dont understand you have 2 low cd nukes


                                      I'm stuck in 4.6k senpais H E L P M E :(

                                      I kind of stopped playing rust since I hit 500 hours on it LOL now im back to playing dotes.


                                        Lets say it like this. You wont improve if you keep on just playing another ranked match of dota over and over.

                                        What helped me after being stuck at 5000 for one year, was just watching people 200-300 mmr above me and seing what they did to win games that i didnt do.

                                        Ofc also noticing their mistakes and being aware of not doing them the next time you play. I got a new perspective and went in to my games way more flexible.

                                        I feel like i have improved a ton since then, which i didnt for 9-10 months.