General Discussion

General Discussionboosting tips and tricks

boosting tips and tricks in General Discussion
casual gamer

    so my understanding is huskar > storm/ta > antimage/morph/void/pa yes?

    played some morph and some storm but it seems like if it's not huskar morph is pretty good for generating sub 30 min games


      i think antimage is bad.

      it's hard to win the lane phase if you have either retard supports or no supports at all.

      and every time i pick him they pick LC/Bloodseeker/Etc.

      sure u can beat counters, but when you're already behind from playing a solo carry lane vs. a duo lich+LC is kinda impossible lol.

      any hero that can lose a lane and still win a game via farm/solo pick offs or the combination thereof.

      huskar/storm/morph are good for example, slark is another.

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      casual gamer

        idk, im just super used to AM being a super dominant laner. even if the enemy picks some cancer dual lane 3ks usually dont bring enough regen or fuck something up and i end up double killing them

        theyre also really bad at killing am, even with lc/void/kunkka

        i think morph and slark are better though


          why are you playing vs. 3ks aren't you 5k.

          if ur vs. some cancer duo lane as a solo AM in 5k game you can probably still trade even, but you won't be snowballing hard enough to deal with the counters I think.

          thats why I think a hero like morph or slark who can jungle/comeback pretty well is good.

          storm is good at this too. even if he is behind, you give him 1 kill and gg.

          casual gamer


            in 5k games i believe void spam is the easiest way to gain mmr

            im borderline braindead void player and still rake in mmr with this amazing hero lol

            also my team mmr is border 3k


              If youre talking about boosting low mmr then the beat heroes are the ones who win lane + solo push

              Aka huskar, brood, arc etc.


                o sorry i didnt read that.

                idk just play a "good' hero that ur best at.

                like for example i think storm is better than antimage for winning games, but im a much better antimage than i am at storm, so i'd rather play antimage in a 3k game.

                storm is actually amazing for playing 1v5 IMO.

                like even if your team is fucking useless and you're losing, jsut go stand in fountain, zip in, and zip out. don't do that gayshit TP shit, just zip in and zip out.

                then refill and do it again.

                make sure u use ur orchid while you're zipping for the extra damage. you'll do like 75% dmg to most supports, and 40-50% to their cores.

                do it twice and they have to back off or you turn the fight and kill them all.

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                  like here is storm for you.

                  1) win lane -> snowball -> EZ GAME
                  2) lose lane -> go farm jungle -> catch up -> get pick-offs -> EZ GAME
                  3) lose lane -> get ganked in jungle -> scrap for catch up -> when they push just zip defend -> get pick offs -> EZ GAME

                  just don't forget you're allowed to buy damage/fighting items for your 5th/6th slot. and you don't need boots.

                  im trying to practice storm recently cuz i just feel motivated cuz this pics guy i play with.

                  im fucking garbage at mid cuz i almost never play it, so i lose mid every time, i go like 0-5, but then i just do his tactics for catch-up and then i end up 30-5 at the end of the game even though i lost my lane every time.

                  once i get practice in mid lane and start winning lanes im prettysure i can't lose.

                  here is example:

                  4.5k party game on my smurf so i cna practice him.

                  i feed like 6 kills in lane, and then go 28-1 after that.

                  can i say LUL?

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                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                      boosting pro here (played over 300+ games in 4k/3k/2k/1k combined)
                      huskar is garbage, depends on your team and cant 1v5 reliable, also have very low margin of error which is not something you want when you are way better than your opp (if you are ahead you wont get rapier right?)
                      any hero which goes side lane is garbage, 90% of the time you get retard allies which are going to tilt you, mid > jungle > offlane> safelane
                      slark and storm are the best by far, snowballs crazily and once you get fat enough the games automatically over
                      contrary to popular belief ta isnt good at all, in low mmr they like to pick tanky heroes and if your team is losing vs those type of teams you just have to resort to split push which is annoying and risky
                      i used to think ember and tinker was good, but the problem with ember is that you cant close out the game yourself, same for tinker, also again they pick lots of tanky heroes and if your team is useless its pretty hard to 1v5 (stillstrong, but pales in comparison to storm slark)
                      i legit have pure 100% winrate in sub 4k with mid slark i think, the best build i have found is just go pms bottle boots talon raindrops and just have slick ricing patterns and get 200+ cs /20min and kill everything with sblade echo treads and level 11
                      if you are raping already and the mmr is low you can try getting bottle boots sblade, rapes much faster but more risky
                      morph is pretty good on the condition that you actually get mid. however having a melee hero is superior because 30% of the time when you go mid you have a retard dual laning with you (common to have your icon placed mid and no one say anything, then you have a surprise buttsex pudge mid armed with a qb and the games basically over). Having a qb is handy for these kind of situations, and as i said going safelane is suicide. also have went jungle slark with moderate success (still won all )
                      i have never tried void, but he comes online way slower than other heroes, doesnt farm and take objectives as fast, and people wont let you mid
                      pa seems decent but after losing with it a couple times in 3k i just avoided it. maybe if i go the vlads deso build it might be better idk
                      am is one of the WORST boosting heroes, avoid it like the fucking plague please, i think i have lost 3+ games with him in 2k mmr, firstly he is a safelane hero, you get retards contesting your farm (had game with qb support tide in my lane, etc etc) completely useless without farm, also pa is super common. i dont care how good you are, if your team loses the early-mid and you havent gotten your fury <15min (completely possible if you have mongol allies) they have 2 cores camping each side lane and you are basically done for
                      lc jungle is pretty dope, also i did a couple of jungle lone druid, just rr 12mins and rape once your radiance is out

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                        do u play slark safelane or u just go offlane slark?

                        Millicent of Scarlet Aeonia

                          Venomancer jungle > all for boosting. thx me later.

                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                            if you are asking me, like i said i go mid slark, if not i go jungle. rule of thumb of boosting in games 1.5k-2k below your mmr is be at least 3000 distance away from any ally.


                              ive been told i play like 6.5k multiple times and i tried grinding some solo queue again about 70-75% winrate in about 40 games in low 5k, but i play safelane 90% of the time, otherwise support or offlane. i don't really play mid much. im afraid i'll feed a couple kills or something, especially with an unorthodox hero like slark.

                              like i tried practicing storm recently. i just feed like 5 kills in lane, and then proceed to just go 25-0 after that cuz they are all retards, i just don't know how to play mid lane.

                              i fucking despise solo queue which is why i don't play it so if i could increase my winrate higher that would be great.

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                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                well in >4.5k games where things arent a shit show if you think you are 6.5k material then first pick slark safe lane

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                                  yea slark/morph seems to be working for me.

                                  antimage i still can't trust yet though, if you get bad supports the game can still ball out of control too quickly.

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                                    Dire Wolf

                                      what about luna?

                                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                                        luna won't get u anywhere without proper support in the first 2 mins
                                        once u get aquila and lvl3 it's ez game though, this hero is stupid in lane


                                          pro am 1 blink = 2/3hits
                                          decent am 1 blink = 2hits
                                          noob am 1 blink = 1hit or none

                                          the lil 1k  who could

                                            the real question is what to do in those games where your team goes 1-15 in 10 to 15 minutes, I get alot of those all the time, some can be won but I also get games where they die 20 times in 10 minutes.


                                              Actually you are not true by saying am is bad for boosting. Back in 2014 and 2015 I had ~80% winrate on am in a hundred games or so and I had a log to track why I was losing games. And bloodseeker was fucking op back then and I still instapicked am even though then enemy instapicked bs right after. It's just there's really a few things you have to get the hang of. Same with huskar and templar.
                                              You not having success on those heroes while boosting doesn't make them bad, it's just you don't know how to use those heroes properly.


                                                @thedrengrwarrior wanna see a game like that?
                                                I bet I wouldn't have 100% winrate in games like this. But good players would actually have close to 80-90% in situations like these.


                                                  basically what I did is I identified what are some of their mistakes and played a psychologist trying to ensure my team keeps playing and telling them of things why the enemy is bad and why we might still come back.

                                                  soap on the floor

                                                    slark can boost your mmr too , remember the update abt the silver edge ? yeay you can suck PA without any worries


                                                      this is why u don't play antimage if ur boosting.



                                                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                        because you are bad?

                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                          no lol am is just a really bad boosting hero plain and simple

                                                          I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                            altho if you had a proper lane setup and a <15min fury and still lost then u probably did something wrong yourself


                                                              technically you can boost mmr with any hero if you're good enough at that hero

                                                              but the best hero for boosting is BipDonGoe's brood, he can solo destroy the ancient in 15-20 min in pretty much almost any bracket.

                                                              edit: am is not a bad hero, low mmr players cant deal with any splitpush

                                                              i recently had a game where htey ran a super strong lane against me where i pretty much only managed to get 30 lh in 10 min and i died twice. i pretty much only get threads pms from that lane

                                                              i ended the game with 900 gpm by 30 min because they couldn't handle my splitpush

                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                i got 12 min bfry but they ran around gank squad non-stop so I couldn't split push only team fight and then even then i just get focused lol

                                                                o well i just wanted some casual dota im not mad but wutface

                                                                EMP+Mana burn sad life.

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                                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                  ye so ure just bad


                                                                    FUCK u sPunk!i

                                                                    mods PLEAse ban him he just called me a NIGG--.. Marlan was banned for this post.

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                                                                    Â INV MENYA LP PARTY
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                                                                        HELP IM BEING ABUSEd

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                                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

                                                                              is that a sexual harassement?

                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt
                                                                                Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                                  im not abusing you marlan i just dont want any misunderstandings to come up between you and the mods

                                                                                  BSJ. LGD

                                                                                    Hugh Mungus what?

                                                                                    I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                      low mmr players cant deal with any splitpush

                                                                                      neither does your team know how to play with their carry split pushing
                                                                                      ever wondered why split pushing heroes are all low 40% winrate in <5k brackets


                                                                                        neither does your team know how to play with their carry split pushing

                                                                                        im not sure how that matters even a bit. you're the one splitpushing, not your team.

                                                                                        ever wondered why split pushing heroes are all low 40% winrate in <5k brackets

                                                                                        because those players who are sub 5k suck at splitpushing/pushing in general, if they actually knew how to push and end games then they wouldn't be sub 5k.

                                                                                        hey but what should i know, i only have 80%+ winrate with am

                                                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                        I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                          i meant they will keep taking bad fights


                                                                                            why are u playing to win at 300 mmr.

                                                                                            like i mean smurf gaming is one thing, just wanna rekt some 4k retards.

                                                                                            but at 300 mmr anyone who is actually rated that low probably has down syndrome.

                                                                                            you're beating up disabled kids wtf man

                                                                                            I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                              its the grind to 322 man, but i keep getting +25 -25
                                                                                              also im in low priority

                                                                                              Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                                                              I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                                also i dont want to smurf at 4k, i think it will make your overall dota gameplay worse significantly
                                                                                                because you still need some game sense and teamwork to win over there, but you will develop the wrong game sense which cant be used in normal mid 5k games


                                                                                                  dude, they're low mmr

                                                                                                  they dont know what a good or bad fight is.

                                                                                                  they'll take bad fights regardless of what you do

                                                                                                  I am 322 ! I am NOT DDZ !

                                                                                                    idk what so hard to understand
                                                                                                    if you are a yasha diffusal safe lane jugg 75% of the fights they take will be good because it will be located near a tower and you will wipe them with superior items and mechanical skill
                                                                                                    im tired of arguing, forget it.


                                                                                                      how is that a bad fight by any definition of the word if you can just join and teamwipe it?


                                                                                                        if you are asking me, like i said i go mid slark, if not i go jungle. rule of thumb of boosting in games 1.5k-2k below your mmr is be at least 3000 distance away from any ally.

                                                                                                        i believe that this rule applies to 4k as well