General Discussion

General DiscussionI cant understand the calibration

I cant understand the calibration in General Discussion

    I cant understand the calibration bcuz if i play and i win the AVG. MMR is still the same, but when i play and i lose the AVG. MMR is going down ... can u please explain me how does it work?

    Thanks in advance Guys Thx :D


      when u win u get carried


        Calibration only tracks your performance.

        Win/loss has nothing to do with your personal performance

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          idont get how you say win/loss doesnt represent your personal skill in calibration, when you are expected to have 70-90% winrate if playing in a lower bracket...


            because you can lose a game and gain up to +500 mmr
            but you can also win a game and lose up to -500 mmr

            during calibration.

            with ''win/loss has nothing to do with your personal performance'' i meant that the system only judges you on how you played(which the game thinks is represented by your scores), rather if you were the reason of the win/loss.

            meaning, there was a game where i had to play in such a way made my overall scores low just that my team can win when we had 4 carries picked, and my mmr dropped for that game.

            meanwhile there was a game where i picked a carry into 4 other carries and i lost, but i had about 900 gpm, lots of kda, hero damage etc.(just in general good scores) and i got lots of mmr for that loss.

            so, you can technically abuse it.

            but you also technically cant, because a Low mmr player will never be able to force the scores needed like i do to get up to +500 per calib match.

            but whatever floats your goat

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            2 steps behind

              Win 1 get in bronze win 8 get gold win 10 plat


                well, if you arent satisfied with the mmr given to you, just raise it, dont bother making another smurf. The result will just be the same, since you probably belong at that mmr.


                  What renshin said
                  Grinding MMR will give you experience and knowledge, and MMR
                  Creating 9999 smurfs will only give you MMR if you're lucky, then you'll drop down to the MMR you belong because you didn't learn any shit