General Discussion

General DiscussionOfflane players = Best overall players?

Offlane players = Best overall players? in General Discussion

    My friends told me, that this role is given to players who posseses traits of both the carries and the supports. You often end up in sacrificial lanes while still being expected to get enough farm and experience, hold your lane, and hopefully not feed. Does this mean that this role is given to the best player in a team overall?
    I mean as a offlaner myself:
    1. You do not mind being outnumbered, the space creator
    2. You have a good understanding of how lanes can be won
    3. You can make the most out of your resources to survive
    4. You are annoying and the play maker of the team
    5. You are patient and aren’t a whiner

    Just want to get your thoughts on these statement/s

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      I still say either mid or support are the roles that has the highest skillcap, but nice arguments anyway

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        ye just go void/timber/nyx, get pms+talon and u won ur lane xd skilled

        Bong Odenkirk

          All up to debate


            3k scrub here, i mostly play offlane in party mmr games and here are my thoughts

            1. true, as long as being outnumbered doesnt completely zone u out that it forces u out of lane
            2. mid/supports should be better at this, winning the lane isnt that important to u
            3. "doing more with less" is more of a support thing now than an offlaner, offlane has gained a lot of resources through the years
            4. depends on the hero
            5. depends on the person


              You could say offlane is the easiest role. Consider tide. Step 1 try not to die. Step 2 farm blink. Step 3 use blink + R.


                ^Im triggered


                  Nice try tide spammer


                    AM is an easy hero you only have 2 skills


                      Offlaner is actually for the worst skilled player on the team


                        ^^Offlane for the worst skilled player? LUL

                        From my perspective skill distribution is as follows (approximately):

                        Carry - Mechanical skill: 7/10, game sense: 4/10 , experience: 6/10
                        Mid - Mechanical skill: 10/10, game sense: 5/10, experience: 2/10
                        Offlane - Mechanical skill: 6/10, game sense: 7/10, experience: 4/10
                        Support - Mechanical skill: 1/10, game sense: 6/10, experience: 10/10

                        Of course there are many other factors and I'm just a 4k scrub and so on...
                        But still offlane is not for the "worst skilled player".

                        Experience might be kind of the same as game sense, but I don't know how to express it differently.

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                          it is the worst you stupid fuck

                          support mechanical skill 1/10?? HE'S THE HIGHEST!! same as game sense

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                            Support highest mechanical skill EleGiggle. Alright, I guess I heared everything I need to in order to consider you a biased idiot.

                            Don Matin

                              Offlane could also be a game-changing role in the game. It all depends on the line-ups. Usually, it's 3-1-1 in pub games which means that you would have an easy safelane for your enemy hero and the team focus more on mid and safelane to provide a better environment for pos 1 and 2 to farm their items in the early stages of the game. In this case, the offlaner only needs to survives and gains xp. Even if you cannot survive on the lane, go for an iron talon and farm camps. Always remember, it's better to be a low level offlaner and let enemy carry farm than feeding enemy carry while he is farming.

                              Now, if your team is looking to out-carry the enemey carry in the early stages of the game, you would need some heroes to harass their safelane and go for possible kills. Although it is hard against a tri lane, but it is doable with a strong combo of 2 offlaners. With practice, you'll learn how it is easy to rankup (only for under 5k MMR matches) when you outcarry the enemy carry in the early stage and go for a fast push and finish.

                              one syllable anglo-saxon

                                Carry, game sense: 4/10

                                so that's why u feed 1vs5 and die after bb

                                casual gamer

                                  offlane ez as fuck #voidthings


                                    hello no


                                      also @benao supports require least mechanical skill and most game sense

                                      casual gamer

                                        i have much less trouble in the offlane. bare minimum of not dying and farming with talon then pressuring lane when carry is alone, then placing good chronos later gives me v. high winrate

                                        and if i get treads at 12 minutes i can recover. way less pressure imo

                                        Vem Comigo

                                          Depends of the sup triple, like a Chen still needs to be good at micro and shit.

                                          Depends to much on the game, enemy picks, sometimes offlane can be very easy, Tide agaisnt no magic nukers, same with timber, void against no disables etc.

                                          But i think Offlaners and roamers are the most balanced players, not the best ones.

                                          casual gamer

                                            ill take void against a rapey super trilane over morph vs any dual lane even with a defensive tri tbh


                                              chen does not require much micro skill, unless you are moving ur units in different groups all across the map.

                                              Dire Wolf

                                                goddamn it I actually have to agree with beano.

                                                Though it sort of depends on the team. Look at old EG and secret. Universe was/is an outstanding player, easily better than aui and ppd, and he made a lot of space for fear and sumail to farm. Same with secret, their playstyle demanded the offlane make a lot of space but the problem there was their offlanes weren't good enough most of the time, even universe couldn't carry their asses.

                                                Supports are probably the hardest role because you have to adapt to what other team is doing in pro play. Your slot is more fluid. You may need to rotate, gank, roam, pull whatever, but you have to figure it out. Carry just has to farm, offlane not die and make space if possible, harrass some, mid needs to dominate lane and rotate when necessary. What's support do? Everything!


                                                  i know plenty of offlane players who are terrible dota players and are the same mmr as me because they spam heros that require no brain to play like void

                                                  very few offlane players know how to play against competent support players, offlanes easily the easiest role in pubs because you can literally just demand obs+sentry at start of the game, block both pulls, spam pull creep aggro and force 3 heros to sit in your lane or something stupid


                                                    that wont win you a game by itself^^

                                                    Optimus Drip

                                                      I don't like other people offlaning because they feed the carry. If the enemy carry gets famr you are doing it wrong, unless they trilane agasnt you then your safelaner shoudnt lose . I guess what im trying to say is i think the offlaner should be good enough to make the enemy saflane farm less than your carry.


                                                        Off topic slightly but is it possible to play kunkka solo offlane in 4k


                                                          yea i totally agree offlaner is the game makers, i used to use clock as offlaner and my hero dmg is always highest ...

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                                                            All positions are equally important. Dota is a team game, and if you say offlane is a shit role or sup is shit role, then go play league or something. Each positon does something different, and situationally some games can be harder than others for each position


                                                              I can say this thing. Every role is equally important. But support>offlane>mid>carry(read:harder). A good support can make their carry better by 0,5k mmr. A carry can make farm without no place to farm. Offlane can make a good initiating for the team. Mid can make their opponents feed.


                                                                When i play in Stack i always Put the biggest noob on offlane so enemy carry will keep killing him 24/7 and ends up with zero lh.


                                                                  Thnx for the input guys, appreciated