General Discussion

General Discussioncan we have subforums

can we have subforums in General Discussion
casual gamer

    dota, off topic, music/weeb, complaints about dota (aka waah my teammate)

    and some segregated by mmr lul


      but why

      casual gamer

        ? so we can go look for what content we want and its not all mixed together


          and some segregated by mmr lul

          Full Давай

            add tags and we are authentic redditors

            < blank >

              Hillary get out

              Full Давай

                poor muritards have to choose btw lying robot and eric cartman incarnation. I sincerely feel sry for them.

                casual gamer

                  im a fan of america tbh. shitty selection this cycle though

                  Kia Boyz Leader

                    Plus one!

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