General Discussion

General DiscussionWyvern vs Meepo

Wyvern vs Meepo in General Discussion

    What to do when you're using Meepo and there's enemy Winter Wyvern? Because he really reserves his ulti just for the Meepo and no matter how high my HP is he can still rape me since More Meepo Dmg = More Dmg of his SS. And + the cast range of his ulti is pretty high so I think Dagger won't work, do you recommend buying Shadow Blade, instead?

    Bonus question: What should I do when one of my team mate is feeding on purpose like this one match, I mean he just pointed mid and we didn't say anything and afterwards he bought Courier wards and feeding enemies.

    doc joferlyn simp

      nothing you can really do after you get cursed by auroth

      only solution is the preemptive strike. kill her before she kills you. burst her down with blink + eth + poof, im not sure if dagon can be ruled out completely in this case

      or maybe rely on your teammates since dota 2 is a teamgame. lc comes to mind, or maybe silencer for the, well, silence

      2nd q: if you are good you can turn the feedfest to your advantage. the way gold is awarded during kills depends on the xp and current killstreak of the dude getting killed. so if your teammates brainlessly feeds cours + himself, whenever you kill an enemy maybe even a support you get much much more since they have more xp and perhaps a killstreak. ofc this wont work with all heroes but with carries that can snowball easily such as huskar, meepo, and slark you can try turning the game by feeding off of the enemy heroes themselves

      casual gamer

        stay out of vision until you see ww, blink hex him and oneshot him

        you have to be patient and be able to farm well


          ^For example, like there's clash already and all of my team mates are having hard time against enemy and yet WW still not using his ulti, what's the least thing I could go? Because I can't just dive pretty sure WW will show up and use his ulti to me and rape me to death.

          casual gamer

            it is a non-fun matchup, and im a trash mepo

            go look at 7k meepo spammer replays perspective of playing against ww


              blink + hex + right click is the only solition. As u said u cant dive enemy team if ww is alive its a death sentence. You have to make sure that ww is dead. Wait for ww to show himself and blink hex him then its safe to engage enemy. some ww/es players will wait for meepo no matter what, even if there is like 4 heroes + 5 illusions + 10 creeps they will save their ulti just for 5 meepo

              Giff me Wingman

                i just get heart. As long i don't go full DPS and tank instead then wyvern can't kill me.


                  either you avoid the wyvern(splitpush) or you burst him down(blink hex)

                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                    Good news is wyvern cant kill you early game.

                    But news is late game, that's right one curse and your dead.

                    But I think Warlock is more scary than wyvern for meepo imo


                      You should push with aegis and buyback. He can't ult you 3 times.

                      La Lumière

                        His ult will de_stroy you. Just split push the other lane or farm. Nuff said. Or buy smoke and blink in roshan and take.

                        There are such things as comebacks. Just play well and have good team fights and you all will win. (probably)


                          It's quite hard to hunt the Wyvern specially if he's always in the back and enemies always stick, do you prefer buying Tarrasque or Skadi when there's Wyvern? Cause pro's said as much as possible if there's Wyvern don't go full DPS cause you'll end up raping yourself if Wyvenr ulti u



                            Vem Comigo

                              you will need your team8s to react, euls you in mid ul, imprison, sd thingy etc.