General Discussion

General Discussioncore earthshaker

core earthshaker in General Discussion
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    ofc his best pos is 3 or 4 but for lulz and out-drafting I wonder what you guys think about it.

    how would you draft around him & build him

    guaranteed physical dmg amplification(up to 400%) once in 5 sec that works on both heroes and buildings
    nice AOE nukes
    have mobility skill(with scepter)
    not "too" bad stat gain

    weak to mana burn
    terrible casting animation (except for ult)
    pipe makes his nuke non-factor in fight
    no escape mechanism without scepter
    cannot flash farm jungle
    agility ayy imao

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      possibly pos 3, i could situationally see a pos 2

      never pos 1, he's best pos at 4

      casual gamer

        blink/shadow blade-> ECHO SABRE ->silver edge (skip if u went blink) -> crit ->BKB/abyssal

        Dire Wolf

          I don't think I'd every play safe lane es, but mid is ok. Just remember the 400% dmg is attribute only (which I didn't know last time I played crit shaker and built a deso like a moron) so crit is good but otherwise you want heart, skadi shit like that.