General Discussion

General DiscussionMorph's morph?

Morph's morph? in General Discussion
Jay the Bird

    I need some rules of thumb for the balance between str and agi
    Like should it have a certain ratio? Or be based on a specifc amount of hp/dmg/as?
    Also for different situations (farming, fights, split pushing) and different times of the game


      u are full agi most of the time if u dont have some outstanding playstyle or play against undodgeable/unpredictable silences


        Sit at 1 str as soon as Linkens is finished and morph more when you start taking damage. Maybe if you are playing against global or something sit higher but honestly I'd just play more careful because if you get caught by global with other enemies hitting you unless you are sitting at a retarded amount of hp you are dead either way.

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          I just morph to strength when I'm being focused on and almost dead, you can still morph while stunned. Also, you have more base armor in agilty then in strength so when fighting don't be scared. You can also out hit almost anyone in lane and dealing a lot of damage judt by right clicking, once you see their health is fairly low then waveform through them and continue


            As people have said, stay with as much agility as possible. I think the general rule of thumb is to have just enough HP to survive the initial nukes in any gank and then you should just be able to strength morph or replicate/waveform to safety