General Discussion

General DiscussionHow to calm teamates down?

How to calm teamates down? in General Discussion

    I am calibrating this acc right now, first game went okay, we lost fairly, second game however, at the halfway point, my team was typing to each other more than playing. I keep trying to calm these guys down but literally nothing works, even telling them to mute eachother if they want to win but they will just keep going at it.
    3rd game i had a disruptor who got mad at a slark at minute 1 for not going in on a kill, then walked down mid 25 times and blocked camps, i tried to get the guy to chill out but he ignored everybody. What do you guys do in situations like this?
    I usually mute people if i get into an argument with them.
    Any suggestions on how to get players away from arguing and more toward playing the game?


      you don't play for them, you play for yourself.

      if they flame eachother, just mute them and play your own game


        mute all chat and enjoy the game


          people rage too easily, just had another game a sven sold items and fed rapier, feelsbadman.