General Discussion

General DiscussionManta on Centaur

Manta on Centaur in General Discussion

    Your thoughts? Is it worth buying?


      Since illusions can use damage block it seems like it'd be pretty strong.
      The hard part of this hero is getting to that point where you have the luxury of making a manta on him. Going offlane, getting blink and working from there will be hard, since you probably need to tank up before even considering getting manta
      or you know, get someone to play shadowdemon on your team

      Mode adiman

        ^it was pos1 cent .but idk if its worth getting it on an offlane cent


          Maybe in a long game where you're finding it risky to go onto highground.

          casual gamer

            man how do they pick pos 1 cent and not pick sd with it thats crazy

            yeah pos1taur manta can be good without sd for abusing return on towers, on offlane centaur u really want blink +pipe or CG -> aghs as fast as possible


              Tbh u shud just pick sd instead of manta. Cent doesnt want agi and doesnt have the mana to support hoof stomp and ulti and manta.

              2k indog monkey

                What Daddy said
                You can buy manta for teh lulz if you're super fat in the game


                  When 600 mmr man is right. FeelsGoodMan


                    tbh best build is 5 hearts and blademail


                      this is how i didnt go to ukraine ladies and gents

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                        BSJ. LGD

                          you shouldn't pick pos 1 centaur or any offlaner safe lane If you don't want to get reported bruh


                            This thread reminds me of my trollish friend playing centaur with radiance+manta+octarine and splitpushing the whole game

                            Dire Wolf

                              Safe lane cent could work but it wouldn't include manta. It'd be like treads, AC, abyssal and three hearts.

                              Hatsune Miku

                                Lmao ive been doing this manta centaur, shit is too good


                                  Don't think manta is good on him. Return and stampede is strongest the more strenght he has so just get strenght items and if you want illusions just get shadow demon or let your team Give you the illusion runes. If you want to troll, troll with armlet, heavens halbred, skadi. But a heart is just OP coz it give up and strenght

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                                    not worth it.

                                    manta + sd will be scary as a fuck tho


                                      Pretty much what JDF8 said, that would be only good if you're playing pos1 centaur and you dont have a shadow demon in your team, if you have sd you dont need manta, just go str items.


                                        looks like imperial took inspire from this thread LUL


                                          the other way. This thread is inspired by Resout1on's and Ace's performances on cent


                                            Resolut1on is my god


                                              Yeah, watched that game and it inspired me. I actually played armlet on Centaur and he did insane damage with return, right click and stampede.

                                              Giff me Wingman

                                                Manta is good to rek towers