General Discussion

General DiscussionOn Supporting

On Supporting in General Discussion

    Come to think of it, when your team absolutely stomp the other side, as a pos 5 and suddenly you have shitton of gold, what should you buy?
    Like on this match,

    I buy Agh because I suddenly have 4k gold (after saving for BB) after succesful countergank (seriously, sentry is so OP on low level bracket lol) into teamfight and didn't know what else to build. Tranquil cover my regen and movespeed. TP for teleport (duh). Blink FS for quick initiation/ counter initiation. Not enough mana for mekans as Lion after combo-ing. As an afterthought, I think glimmer or eul could work, but.... Or should I go Vyse instead?

    Pos 5 usual pack: shoes, wand, tp, obs, dust, 1/2 cheap team item (mek, FS), blink if needed, smoke on cour, what else? What kind of "luxury" item that can be grabbed but still useful nevertheless?

    Thanks Dotabuff


      Agh was a waste of gold imo. Probably get force staff, glimmer, Mek etc would be more useful as you don't need the cd and aoe range for ur ult seeing that the enemy has a lineup that doesn't involve them grouping up


        pretty sure you need a hex to get a little menagerie of animals going.


          Hex would be good
          There's nothing such as too much disable