General Discussion

General DiscussionPlaying Support

Playing Support in General Discussion

    Finally got high Skill playing support.
    Solo matchs


      anyone have any tips for VHS


        word of advice, you'll meet cancerous players in vhs trying to carry and say trust me and some bull like that and end up losing the game. Conclusion is losing a game is fine since you're new to vhs my advice is don't get triggered you'll fall back to hs. Happened alot of times to me in the past.


          Be prepared for the shitstorm because there will always be cancers in any bracket

          bot hard mute

            support is the easiest role. cause u can make many mistakes and still win the game. its also a lot of fun, cause u have more freedom.
            good supports for vhs are lion, shadow demon, wd

            Story Time

              oh please dont say suport is easier than carry, it is just not true

              bot hard mute

                u get the easier wins

                Duc D - CatOnTheMoon

                  My tip is play play play play play. Don't let your carries treat you like a pet. Shout at him say you can "carry better"
                  Check my profile

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