General Discussion

General DiscussionHow can you improve at the game if your teammates want you to lose?

How can you improve at the game if your teammates want you to lose? in General Discussion

    I get dual offlane I play carry

    Their carry is fucking free farming safe lane

    My mid keeps feeding the huskar

    We kill them all team farms creeps at base instead of pushing

    We have mek and ravage with tide we can push towers

    Team is farming somewhere else

    Why me


      coz the world is against u, gabe hates u, valve hates u, ur teams hate u, everyone in this world coz u are perfect and never did anything wrong


        Lmao ho delete ur fota


          ^ wut u played lich 275 times in 8 months while my most played hero in 4 years has like 170 matches

          fishy boi



              Is so funny see smurf accounts cry with 40% win rate in ranked 😂


                ITs 50% actually


                  this means u are exactly where you should be


                    18 x ranked 18x Core


                      very simple,

                      1. your teammates aren't against you, most of the time
                      2. they also want to win
                      3. compensate for their lack of knowlege with your own and you'll almost always win


                        Bcs my friend all like be carry wat to do
                        If not will 5 carry and gg game


                          What should I do if I don't want to support any no one will? How to practice carry if the only available position will always be support

                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                            Supporting IMO is far more complex than carry for many reasons. Such as ward placement, zoning heroes, stacking and pulling, creating farming opportunity for your carry to farm, ganking, roaming etc... but carry is simply practice last hitting get your farm and know when you can be online to fight.

                            That's why many people prefer to be carry as it is easier to execute.

                            I am a support player myself and i watch tons of Purgegamer's, if you want to improve on supporting.