General Discussion

General DiscussionDota Reporting Policy updated?

Dota Reporting Policy updated? in General Discussion

    so i am writing this topic to ask a question regarding reporting system.

    Basically i am playing dota since December 2012. From that time the only reason of me being in low priority pool was due to abandoning games (internet drops or just leave).
    However during last week i was charged twice, one time with low prio due to excessive amount of reports and yesterday i was chat banned for 24h.

    So does rules regarding reported people are more strict or am I just being rusty old disruptive prick?

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      Yes i think since they added the new System where you can see how many times you have been reported you can go lp wihtout abandoning games you just Need like 10 reports or so in the feedback

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        well they have improved reporting system quite a bit since 2012


          I always have like 10 Reports but im never low prio


            ^as i said i am not sure about the number but you should be careful. 1 game with a few reports and you will be lp


              ability abuse/ feeding reports = LP

              Com abuse= Mute

              M U R D E R

                I actually think shadow pool is real now

                Im getting matched in games where all players muted gotta write on minimap

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