General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat is the best storm build

What is the best storm build in General Discussion

    I need help, I always get reported on storm

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      Wait for Danny Boi to comment, he is the best player on earth


        Did u mean ember spirit maybe?


          ask danny boi xd


            i buy bottle, treads, then make orchid but buy the 2 sages masks first, then bloodstone and the rest depends on the game

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              No, I meant this player
              He is the best player including best Storm Spirit on earth

              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                ohh that autist 4Head


                  afair his mmr has 3 digits


                    But he's the best


                      sr linken orchid bloodstone bloodthorn (in order, if bkb is needed, put it somwhere after orchid and before bloodthorn)) is probably one of the best thing you can do with storm

                      Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                      Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                        what is sr

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          shit that danny boi storm why isnt he drafted into pro teams yet like they are missing out on valuable talent here

                          STE 8-1-8

                            look at sumail or biltz storm games, sumail probably the best storm player in the world, nowadays (post nerf) I've seen him build mana boots into soul ring and raindrops and maybe a wand early game, but don't spank your mana cause if your mana is full when you hit lvl 6 it's basically a free kill (or when you get a regen rune), but mainly you want to farm your bloodstone first 90% of the time by around 15 minutes cause the buff's to bloodstone really help storm out, after that its treads and orcid.

                            Choose what survivability item you need, linkens is great but some games you might need a bkb, euls is also an option since he needs to do a bit of extra walking, gets rid of debuffs, and provides mana regen, lotus orb isn't awful but you generally want bigger/better items, it's extremely situational.

                            If you need lock down get hex plus extra mana regen, or want armour/team fight get shivas, and bloodthorn for ultra late or to counter evasion.

                            So the theme is lots of lovely mana regen.

                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                            BSJ. LGD

                              thanks for the peeps that offered build advices ill try them, also why linkens first? most people go bloodstone orchid

                              Bobbyx Qrwa Mac

                                sr = soul ring


                                  Linkens first is like the 6.68 build for storm back in the days of ESWC 11, I guess he didn't need as much mana back then so the linkens utility was nice? A couple nerfs have added to his mana costs over the years.