General Discussion

General DiscussionVoid mjolnir or diffusal manta?

Void mjolnir or diffusal manta? in General Discussion

    Do you guys prefer diffusal manta or the mjolnir build and why?
    I think both has it ups and downs,and I think both of them are perfectly viable to get most of the time (vlad is like mandatory so lets not talk about it)

    casual gamer

      diffumanta gives u hp and a slow but is more expensive

      mj has higher startup dps with the maelstrom and the mj active is very nice if you have an hp item

      I pretty much never go mj however, the three items (vlad diffu manta) are individually very good nearly every game and have fantastic synergy that pushes it over the top into core


        Yep see this game -

        I was going to build into a necro 3 next but we won before I could get around to it.


          Treads, Vlads, diffusal, manta, mjolnir. Thats my usual build for fv.


            Mjolnir gives more farming speed I think


              just build what is right for the game.


                Myolineer is usefull inside chronosphere

                Pom Pom 🍕

                  Maelstrom is better if you're against illusions, spiders or just to farm faster if you're expecting a slow-paced game (you generally don't upgrade it to mjollnir until late game though.).

                  Diffusal blade gives more single-target DPS, and removes tons of annoying disables (silence being his worst enemy), while also letting you use it aggressively with slow. It also gives some needed extra mana.

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                    build manta if they have disabler heroes(drow/silencer/death prophet)
                    build maelstorm if enemy team no disabler.