General Discussion

General DiscussionIs bloodseeker okay now?

Is bloodseeker okay now? in General Discussion

    I have not played bs in a long time, because the hero has been kind of useless for a while.
    Today I had a game which I jungled bloodseeker, with iron talon. Offlane was lifestealer timber so I knew I needed to help out aa and pa safelane.
    I was able to get off a kill at level 4 on timber, then I hit early level 6, and thanks to all the buffs his ult has gotten, it's almost a free kill to anybody who does not have a tp. Gank led to a double kill, after that it was snowballing, jungling when ult was down and ganking the moment it was up.
    I think bloodseeker is a decent pick, especially in the meta of timber offlanes, slark everywhere.
    How has your bloodseeker games gone? I will try more bloodseeker and see how well he holds up in different situations.


      I'm going to wait and see what buff Icefraud comes up with in 6.89. Gotta be something decent. Last year the patch was around end of September I think? So it could be out in a few weeks this year.

      His jungle is easy to disrupt - eg in this one ( the guy randomed Bloodseeker so I knew he would be jungling, picked riki, leeched his exp, scored first blood on him, stole some of his creeps, and made him waste money on sentries. Then I had to go top and help my spectre friend against the timbersaw who scored a solo kill on the disruptor and was bullying spectre, thanks OSfrog.

      Also did a game on him on a new smurf using EDJE's build of phase->echo sabre->silver edge - Doesn't really prove much other than that he is good against new very low skill players and that other very low skill players are terrible at capitalising on space and end up feeding whenever they attempt to fight without you.

      But yeah still needs an actual proper buff not the small little shit like bloodrite cooldowns which he has been getting since 6.86.

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        "...a free kill to anybody who does not have a tp"

        It happens... Sometimes 50 gold is too much for you to pay... Very possible scenario... You know what? There must be budget-class TP scrolls!


          Lord have mercy


            Bs so strong now. Haven't lost a game with him.


              My friends and I played a game with him as a jungling support. We used him as a damage steroid for our Medusa since Mana Shield blocks damage before its amped by bloodrage so you're still pretty tanky. Lanes were a bit weak early but hes able to gank fairly well at 6 and he can always TP in and drop his silence to zone the enemy if they try and go on his allies.
              You gotta wait for an enemy to TP to a lane to farm before you rupture him since then his TP will be on cooldown. Enemies should always have a TP but they wont always be able to use them :P
              Hes situationally good but hes not something you can draft without a very solid plan.


                blood got nerfed to the ground

                situationally he can work, but he's not a hero to be spammed

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                  does anyone realize he has 50% winrate now. If you know how to play him you can spam him

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    what i can get from you doing so well yet still losing is that you as a semicarry, who should be making space and helping the real carry farm, is instead acting greedy and gobbling up all the farm stealing your carry's potential farm which he can utilize better


                      @haffy are you talking about me? Lol

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                        Falls off REALLY hard to be your main carry
                        I'm pretty sure Nightstalker with equal farm is scarier than bs both early and lategame

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          WTF Blood got buffed through these patches!
                          It's just people easily anticipate what you're gonna do. However, BS has the most variety of item builds.
                          I only tried Eul's and Blademail builds on Blood and they gave me EZ games.
                          BS is surely a situational pick. I pick him to counter PA, Slark, Timber, AM who are all top picks so BS is good for now.
                          But Jugg and Tinker fucks him hard.
                          NS certainly can't carry as hard as BS since BS has variety of luxury builds. He can pick up almost every item!