General Discussion

General DiscussionBest meta hero for mmr

Best meta hero for mmr in General Discussion

    Can anyone tell me? I just want to win and win

    suck dick for pma

      slark, tinker, void, pitlord


        Tinker, Invoker, morph


          Any fucking hero you are good at



            Fee Too Pee

              Game pretty balances atm try counter pick with viable heroes. Slark , void , axe in general thou






                    Od is still pretty much good. Good last hitting and proper build and game is yours.


                      Axe seem deadly in normal skill


                        i pretty much climbed from 2600 to 3k using timber

                        ofc i didnt spam him but most of my wins came from him

                        SHINRA TENSEI !!



                            That if you can land chronos with your brain


                              Et drow zet

                              casual gamer

                                omniknight drow

                                Mr Salad

                                  I'm playing lot of the same heroes try doing that see heroes which u love playing select not more than 5 for each lane and just keep playing them again and again good luck


                                    depends on ur mmr


                                      he is showing off his 4k mmr.

                                      casual gamer

                                        like showing off a fucking sti rofl


                                          @marlan good: meepo
                                          bad: recently not playing meepo feelsbadman:(


                                            Op smurf detected. Who cares if you gain mmr it won't mean shit on a smurf .


                                              Arc warden,void,slark,tinker.
                                              all of them are fairly strong and punish the enemy hard for being out position or bad line-up also they (in the right hand) are not easy-punished heroes so you may do one or two mistakes and still don't feed.

                                              gl hf.

                                              1000 xpm



                                                  FYI, I'm not showing off my mmr(i know 4k is just average) , I'm genuinely curious what the best heroes are atm since I know most people here are better than me skillwise and have a greater understanding of the game...


                                                    Medusa warlock omni Oracle


                                                      underlord spamm it until get nerfed or people discover way to cope with him and it will be soon


                                                        Spam monkey king until released.

                                                        rice cake

                                                          kunkka or sd supp ez gaem


                                                            skill, no hero


                                                              As bsj said. MMr is just a number, spamming heroes will only make you good at just one hero, a good player is good with multiple heroes. spamming a role is okay but not a hero


                                                                very hypocritical from a slark spammer

                                                                no, it doesn't matter what you play

                                                                because a 1k player can play slark day and night, but he won't reach 7k like bsj

                                                                it's not the hero, every single player in the game is so over-concerned about the minor mechanical shit

                                                                remember to drink water

                                                                  A hero you can play well


                                                                    yeah i know, he said he used to spam slark but now he is trying to open up his list of heroes he is good at. The point he made is still good though, better to be good with multiple heroes than amazing with one or two


                                                                      Faceless if u can consistently land the chrono


                                                                        Luna. Tango -> Wraith Band -> PT -> Aquila -> Dragon Lance -> Manta / Butterfly -> Bot -> Whatever. Consider BKB if needed.


                                                                          MoM after Dragon Lance. Insane farm and tower push. Use it wisely in fights ;)

                                                                          Livin' Real Good

                                                                            Slark, Morphling, Timber, Axe, Sven.

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                                                                            B1NGO (28235343)

                                                                              Arc Warden, definitely arc warden. He gets constantly banned in high mmr games because he's so hard to deal with


                                                                                A good arc player is currently cancerous, one time I played vs a good position 4 arc warden , we won but dam that guy impacted game like crazy .



                                                                                  Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                    Morphling is getting more popular though...
                                                                                    When I first started to use him, his pick rate was like 7 percent or so. After a few buffs, he is now top 20 picked. So proud of my water boy. *wipes tears*


                                                                                      Morphling, Drow, Timber, Invoker, Jugg.


                                                                                        If you are 4K or less, climbing MMR is not about what hero's you pick, it is about every other fundamental skill that you are still GOD AWFUL at.

                                                                                        You can climb with right click carry CM, if you just get good at the fundamentals.


                                                                                          Hero picks matter at every level don't talk nonsense


                                                                                            They matter on a game to game basis, for winning those particular games, and only when considering everyone's relative skill level. Getting better at Dota, though, is not about hero picks.

                                                                                            Let me put it this way. Take any of the great meepo players, Abed, W33, whoever. They could win 99% of their games at 4K and below even if they are facing the worst possible counter picks in the game. They can do this because there are aspects of the game that have such a greater impact on winning or losing than hero picks.

                                                                                            You can't ride the meta to an MMR that is significantly above your true skill level. Sure, picking the most OP hero in the current meta might gain you 500 MMR or so, but that pales in comparison to the MMR you will gain by improving the skills in Dota that have a much greater impact on winning, such as farming efficiency, map awareness, late game decision making, mechanics, etc...


                                                                                              You can, playing against better players will help you improve way more.

                                                                                              casual gamer

                                                                                                ^ I hope these improving more players are on the enemy team and not my team

                                                                                                Anonymous mode- No chat

                                                                                                  every son and their dog at my rank banning/picking drow and morphling. Tells you something.

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                                                                                                    arc warden


                                                                                                      Techies man. Or invoker.