General Discussion

General DiscussionWhen do Valve give you a good team?

When do Valve give you a good team? in General Discussion

    I can't play any better. I can't continue to be the only reason my team will ever get a kill, I shouldn't have to go 30/0 in every game I play to win I would like to have a game soon where I can win normally consistently without going some insane 1v9 shit every time. I would like to not be the only one dealing damage on the team or anything and getting reported for it.

    Sergei Kalinka

      2 days ago you had a 18-4 zeus and a good kda Ugna


        I dono. I feel opposite from u. I feel like I haven't been carrying any of my games whilst everyone on my team does well. I check and see everyone has winstreaks on my team while opponents all have lose streaks and do stupid shit. Usually those games are stomps and don't feel very satisfying winning them..


          that was LP where Valve doesn't give you retards to lose every game


            life is suffering



              I only play with friends nowadays. It means at least 1 or 2 less on your team aren't morons, though often the 2-3 others who you aren't partied with have their moronness multiplied to make up for it.


                All I have to do is que and I've lost. There's no chance when you get 1/12 mid and 20 minute battlefury on Jugg when we have no tier 2 or anything


         cant do everything myself

         Don't even try and I carry but without any other person who can do anything.

         Meant to win an hour into a game as bloodseeker? How much of an advantage do they want?

         0/4 safelane? I get reported for doing what he does (farming).

         Only game I win by setting the advantage.


                    I mean u could be having a string of bad luck. Or is ur behaviour score low perhaps? Could be your play style that causes ur team to suck. I don't feel like I do much but maybe that enables them to shine. Kinda counter intuitive I know


                      string of bad luck whenever I start to do well

                      one syllable anglo-saxon

                        why are u still posting here
                        just go and create a blog or smth @ or w/e
                        none of ur posts are even remotely useful


                          Everything you say is useless ^

                          one syllable anglo-saxon

                            no it's not

                            one syllable anglo-saxon

                              while on the other hand u are a delusional retard who apparently believes that his teammates, valve and god himself united their forces to make ur dota experience awful



                                Warning QQ about SOLO MMR again wow poor icefrog ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

                                one syllable anglo-saxon

                                  ye btw thanks for reminding me

                                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                                    fucking roasteeeeeed

                                    casual gamer

                                      that's funny because at 4k I get carried in about 50% of my wins ROFL


                                        well yeah because only dying 1-2 times a game is the only way I can physically win according to valve because an average of 5 deaths is too much of a throw in every single game I play. Not to sure how I can win when I am the only one doing anything and there's evidence in every game I play. So once again ^ everything you say is useless

                                        one syllable anglo-saxon

                                          ye dude u were put into a hidden pool
                                          that is in another pool
                                          only to make u suffer because clearly the links of the losses u post are a solid evidence and not the dunning-kruger ravings of a delusional retard u are

                                          god bless


                                            U start getting more decent teammates after u pass 4.3 k range.

                                            But even there u can be put into shadowpool and suffer great losing streaks.

                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                              @Swirl - Heh, didn't know you would get so salty from that last game enough to remove me. Wouldn't have accepted the invite if I'd known. But honestly when there's a pudge, kotl, centaur and underlord picked I didn't have a lot of high expectations from the beginning so just thought I would practice a hero I'm still learning rather than try to trihard and get salty myself when we lost. Anyway, whatever I'll still give you the benefit of the doubt on dotabuff forums.


                                                I know that feeling! Sometimes i get the LOOSERS and sometimes i get the WINNERS - a big difference between these two.
                                                I am also sure that there is some kind of mechanism in the coordinator which matchs you up with either "bad players" or "good/god players". It is really annoying when everyone else dies, and the towers falls every minute.
                                                Im pretty sure that there is a kind of "upgoing-team-match" and a "downgoing-team-match" you can clearly tell, this usually comes when you win too much :-) - and there is a clear difference between the winning and the loosing team-match-up.
                                                Then i gave it some thought: I thought "If i am playing OK, what the hell can I do to have a bigger influence on the game so we not get raped in the first 15 minutes of the game ( like always when im on the looser-match ) ?"
                                                I usually play safelane carry when i play with my team, and go for some rather hard-carries. I somewhat always aims at this role because that is what im trained at - It looks like you also play a lot of carry.
                                                What if this is the wrong role when you are one of the better players on the team, or the only one?
                                                If the support suck, the offlane is getting sacked by the enemy safelane instead of squashing them? What if the mid looses completely to the enemy mid? Its quite easy - if the enemy team sends their best players in offlane and you are playing safelane carry with a support that do nothing, youre worthless, this is one of the keys in a carry - he should carry the team late-game, but he needs to be carried in the first part of the game. You get my point? Try supporting - "no support - no win".

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                                                  Goes to show if I don't take any sort of an advantage my team stands zero chance.

                                                  Every safelane will fail and every mid fails in every game I play, considering I afk jungle and still manage to do more damage then the rest of the team just goes to show how correct I am.


                                                    If I don't try we've lost like the only reason games go for 40 minutes now is because of me, it's really sad that valve does this


                                                      people that pick underlord as a core are so FUCKING ANNOYING


                                                        I don't have a carry, why would I support?

                                                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                          Australia doto thread i love it.


                                                            Never until you hit 4k plus I think
                                                            I know how you feel man,but still


                                                              It's not the system,it's purely bad luck

                                                              Livin' Real Good

                                                                Ive been winning a lot again, feels good man. But last week, jeez, it felt like I was in a hidden pool, teammates were suspiciously worse than usual, now all of a sudden teammates are back to normal again. But of course hidden pool doesn't exist, cause if I say it exist, i'll sound like a scrub. Kappa

                                                                Just got back 500 MMR in a week, feels good man.


                                                                  better than SE-A predict my mmr trash. Can you explain why all asians are trash at dota kyle? I mean I just lost with another one (can't even count anymore)

                                                                  suck dick for pma

                                                                    stop pitlord spam, improve


                                                                      Well seems the answer is play style. If ur key to success is the success of ur other lanes then fuck, don't play jungler and play a hero that secures the early game. Then let the carry win for u. Or else play carry and even if ur teammates are fkd u can still carry hard. Unless of course u r not good enough to carry ur team? Then u don't belong at wherever u r at


                                                                        5/0/1 80 cs in jungle at 12 minutes. Win the lane for them yet they still fail to achieve anything

                                                                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                          Sure all asians are trash at dota. 3k Must be so hard for Australians LUL

                                                                          5/0/1 80 cs in jungle at 12 minutes. Win the lane for them yet they still fail to achieve anything
                                                                          you failed to carry your game even with that lmfao ur so next level.

                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                            Oh yes the It's my fault I still couldnt carry, not the rubick who re chronos a void that gets us all killed and the slark who doesn't get BKB against Lina, Necro, Storm

                                                                            Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                              Wah I can't get out of 3k its my teams fault wah! T__T


                                                                                Your name probably causes your games to be a self fulfilling prophecy cause everyone else gives up when they see you're on their team


                                                                                  I climbed into 3k and expected a somewhat inprovement.

                                                                                  All I found was 80% less asians


                                                                                    Try to motivate your team..
                                                                                    And don't flame..
                                                                                    I have a 5 and was 6k friend, but when he got flamed(sometimes is a joke) suddenly he can't play at his full potential..

                                                                                    Sometimes you can shine because your teammates give you space..
                                                                                    (sometimes space created from dead/feed),
                                                                                    Try to learn comeback mechanism and when the time your team pick get optimal potential..

                                                                                    My team often get behind in gold and xp but the enemy can't break the high ground or get killed 1 by 1 because of complacency..

                                                                                    And with 1-3 good clash our team can make a comeback because comebacks mechanism punish them hard, even when our score is 22-4 in 20 minutes..

                                                                                    So keep PMA mate..

                                                                                    Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                      80% less asians to help you win your games lul true T__T

                                                                                      Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

                                                                                        1. play a 5v5 party.
                                                                                        2. Get 100% winrate
                                                                                        3. ??????
                                                                                        4. Profit

                                                                                        Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                          Valve's fault im 3k wah! T__T

                                                                                          Man your feed is super informative LOL

                                                                                          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                            Lul kyletaxi. Go easy on a tilted brother pls. Hey swirl man I suggest u listen to sijerman he actually makes some good points. Maybe u need some perspective. Every action has a reaction\consequence. I mean u seem to do well but at what cost? If ur play style is dependent on your lanes not fucking up then u should play strong laners rather than try and shine off the space created by ur teammates feeding.


                                                                                              still better than kyle. Nuff said

                                                                                              Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                                HAHA get real 3k

                                                                                                Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

                                                                                                  but you're from se-a so that basically just means you drop 1000 in Australia


                                                                                                    Is different region = different mmr worth real..?

                                                                                                    Because when I checked leaderboard, the highest 200 is mostly around the same mmr.. 6k-8k..
                                                                                                    Only the tops are 8k+..
                                                                                                    No really big difference in mmr in every region..

                                                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                                                      Lol this guy spamming can only play brainless jungle midas rush as underlord and complaining why he lost. What a joke

                                                                                                      Need to talk,remove your ...

                                                                                                        Haha nah right now we're just shitting on his mmr so he's ultra mad.