General Discussion

General DiscussionQuestion concerning slark

Question concerning slark in General Discussion

    Since i rlly suck with that hero for some reason ( 37% winrate LUL ) & i want to improve on it there is some questions i'd like to ask here.

    My problem seems to be when games go for a longer time & i can't seem to end it then enemy harder carries outcarry me & win the game, alot of times when i play him i just seem to throw the game at end game either by my mistakes in team fights or my team mates ( i will avoid speaking about team mates to just focus on my mistakes & get better ).

    So i have no problem in lane phase , i usually get 13 to 14 min shadowblade if i get no kills in lane and sooner if i get few kills & then start ganking or just farming if i don't see an oppurtinty to gank till i get echo sabre to gank more effectively ( i usually always finish both echo & sb before 18 min ). So i get few kills here & there , i pick off supports in team fights , get all their t2 towers , take rosh, BUT my problem with this hero is always breaking high ground , its there where i always throw the lead we have & die in team fights which lead to counter push & my team losing the game , so how do you play slark in that situation? just wait for them to go out of their base to farm & continue pick offs & then push once they are all dead or what?


      I suck with the hero too so I'll bump,quite curious about him (42% IN NS lul)


        i always lose if enemy team has morphling :( so i started to ban that cancer hero everytime even if i should be banning bloodcyka or smth but i rather play vs bloodseeker than morphling ( if he rupture me i'll just ulti & tp back base , & just watch my hp not letting him get his bloodthirst )

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          ^BS 3rd skill will not allow slark to regen. That sucks so much i feel u.


            The thing about slark is that most people start to neglect farming once they get the shadow blade while Slark is actually a pretty scary late game carry, not meant to be an "end it fast" type of carry like Ursa. Another thing from my experience is that during fights the slark player should focus on getting some essence shift steals, retreat, then come back to fight in full shape.
            I'm pretty sure more experienced slark players will have better points for you but this was just my 2 cents on the subject.


              i told u this fucking hero is jinxed , im playing slark right now , i was doing so good , 75 last hits in lane 4 kills on spectre & BH 10 min shadowblade , at 13 min i run to mid to kill silencer & sniper my pc crash gg


                im sure it will tilt me & lose the game now


                  just give up.

                  i had like 30% winrate on antimage over like 50 games but because i love the hero i eventually learned how to play him and got better and better by grinding. now my recent winrate is 70% but my average is still forever stuck behind, currently 59%. and when u try this hard with a hero and can't crack hero leaderboards because dotabuff uses all-time stats not yearly or w/e it makes u hate urself.

                  so ya.

                  just giveup 4head

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                    when you're in a scenario like the one you described in your initial post, slark becomes completely oppressive for the enemy team

                    certain heroes like morph, am, and tinker can still deal with you individually and put pressure on the map, but in general all you do is take a farming pattern across the whole map, destroy every single enemy ward, and place your own wards outside the enemy base so any hidden movement is limited to smoke or invis

                    You and your cores will farm everywhere on the map while your other teammates will look for pickoff opportunities and get way more gold relative to the enemy team

                    With that much map vision rosh should be uncontested (otherwise you should be taking a favourable fight outside the base) and with two lives you should be able to safely siege towers or play risky in order to force a fight

                    As for the actual fighting that's just something which comes with practice for what abilities/items you use at the ideal time and how you should constantly be weaving in and out of the action

                    casual gamer

                      slark is so meh this patch. people always pick him and lose idk why

                      doc joferlyn simp

                        tanky cores = more essence shift stolen? in my experience this can be a double-edged sword since it means you cant really burst people down like you used to, now slark excels in hit and run, regen up then hit again



                          wtf this is some serious bullshit , if i snowballed that hard with any hero like PA , ursa , WK i would have won the game in less than 40 min but wtf is happening to me with slark , i bought bloodthorn at the end cuz i was fucking fed up of storm escaping & bloodseeker using his fcking rupture on everyone eexcept the right target ( storm spirit obv )

                          do i need to be a fucking 7k to win games at 2k with slark or wtf? its not normal to go 34-5 & be close to losing ( if it wasn't for some rat dota by my part we would have lost , we had mega creeps & still struggled to end the game )

                          at the end i get reported even by my team because i was so salty i insulted everyone fuck me

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                          casual gamer

                            u just need to learn to balance farming and pickoffs. slark played correctly is extremely oppressive and get items very fast with pact + talon. if you have 600-700 gpm and the enemy is stuck in base or 5 manning they will lose even if you play with monkeys


                              u think u had it bad?


                              was 4k game because it was international ranked calibration...

                              yea u basically gotta be 6k to carry these monkeys.

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                                from the tower dmg i did ( 12.6k ) u can see i played like a fucking lycan at the end to win , it would have been a loss


                                  if u didn't see, we ran down middle because the game was so close.

                                  there was no time to hit other buildings.

                                  so ofc your tower damage is higher. you hit way more buildings.

                                  but why would i expect a normal skill to understand that Xd

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                                    no im just telling you it would have been impossible in my match to win by team fighting , my team was so fucking bad they kept dying to bounty hunter so i had to take initiative & get the win by my self & rat doto

                                    ye here comes the normal skill bullshit again , everyone is so fucking triggered in this website

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                                        I honestly think slark is quite underwhelming but it's still a good situational carry that can get involved in fights early. Otherwise I don't see any reason to pick it over Sven, AM, PL, Moprhling or even void.

                                        casual gamer

                                          carry void is free mmr and dont let anyone tell you otherwise


                                            i honestly don't know why i want to learn this hero so bad when i could be playing my 71% winrate PA & get out of hell mmr asap, but i gotta admit it's rlly fun to play him mid game ( before end game starts & i start tilting )

                                            edit : my winrate with slark this week is 57% with 6.26 KDA , so maybe im improving on him

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                                              wew esperanza seems u had a point

                                              yung griphook

                                                maybe just try your best to get your teammates to pick a hero with an aoe ulti so you can take hg more reliably



                                                  my this week stats on slark ( since i read guides about him & saw videos of pro players ) seems im imprvoing but would gladly take more advices from you guys if any of you is an avid slark player at high mmr

                                                  the last game i had a rlly hard matchup in lane , thank god i had a good CM who supported me & bought salve etc ( i feel we blame team mates all the time , but give credits where its due ) , i tried my best not to die in lane even if it meant missing last hits ( i only had 41 last hit by 10 min ), when i saw enemy picks i expected a hard lane so i bought 2x set of tangos stout & ring of protection ( i laned against kunka + dark seer so the harass was real ) , then i bought pms & iron talon to help me jungle to get back my farm after lvl 6. The result was a slightly delayed shadowblade ( 15 min ) but as soon as i got it kills started rolling & we did good & won the game.

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                                                    First off slark is one of the best lategame carries so you shouldn't be falling off late but actaully be gaining ground . 2nd he isn't the best at killing towers compared to other carries so often if having trouble edging it's better to suffocate your enemies by keeping them locked in base and farming thier side of map and waiting for a good core pick off to go high ground . I can type more stuff later g2g.


                                                      how is this game fair ? another game with slark another throw at the end

                                                      why do i face a fucking 3.8k mmr PA & 3.3k mmr Axe when im fucking 2.4? if my team mates were high mmr then why the fuck they feed so bad

                                                      NOT to mention we had mega creeps & lost lol

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                                                        Interesting. It's the mid player curse. The way u play, your success, doesn't create space, but perhaps is dependent on your team fucking up. Thad the only reason why u always seem to do well but ur team feeding


                                                          Farm and pick off, if u want then get a dagger
                                                          Think the most important thing about slark is u should play around the enemy side of the map once u have sblade


                                                            ^ ye so true , as soon as i have my core items echo + sb im always at enemy side of map either pushing or jungling waiting for an opportunity to pick off , but as you see from my stats i have no problem getting pick offs , its the end game push that rekt me hard , enemy team use all their ressources on me & we usually dont have an initiator or if we do he pu$$y the fuck out & let me initiate since im the more farmed in the game always but he doesnt fcking realise that slark shouldn't initiate


                                                              can someone review this game ?

                                                              i got completely zoned out in lane vs disruptor riki 1v2 , my team ran a jungle enchantress & duo offlane DK axe , when i play riki i face tryhards tri lanes with sentry wards but when enemy team play riki he face a retarded team like mine who let a slark solo safelane so he get free farm & snowball

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                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                Rofl, I think you are just cursed. LC with a skadi and heart but no mkb vs a PA rofl. Just cus you have 1 silver blade on your entire team doesn't mean mkb is optional. However I am noticing you don't seem to ever build bkb. Bkb can be super important on slark, invoker will just eat your lunch after your ult is down.

                                                                casual gamer

                                                                  ^^ it is situationally possible to just save pounce now if he has no orchid


                                                                    ^ i build bkb my last game & we got completely rekt because i got shut down in the lane , i lose with slark even when i snowball in lane so imagine how hard i will lose when i don't snowball & i get shutdown in lane cuz 1v2 ( its funny how everytime i lose my lane because of laning solo as a carry , my whole team lose all their lanes , its like there is noone to save the day, the most funny part & that made me mute my team is THEY keep blaming me that i don't have farm when they never helped me in laning stage & throw me alone vs riki disruptor & when i retreat to jungle to get some precious cs enchantress spam ping me & insult me , what did i do to deserve such fate )

                                                                    PS: fuck people who que party in NS , they always tend to be cancerous players who protect their friends even when they do bad , they ruin the game by their retarded laning setups & then report u as 4

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                                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                                      Maybe rethink when you pick slark? Only easy target on opposing team that game was veno. riki will ult or invis away, disruptor will send you back and kinetic field, you can't kill ember without orchid or abyssal, pit loard is tanky. Slark feasts of picking off squishy carries and back line supports like CM, witch dr, sniper, well if you can gank a careless sniper. Late game sniper is a bitch. But early/mid game he shouldn't be able to leave towers.


                                                                        so as i thought from the beginning slark is a very situationnal carry & not a spam ez mmr one, thanks for clearing it up because alot of ppl seems to recommend picking slark in lower tier because he is supposedly "insta" win

                                                                        also my team always seem to afk in picking phase & we lose gold so i have to pick early even if i call at start "last pick please" & i get countered by riki & disruptor picks

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                                                                          Noobs can't win with slark omg...
                                                                          The only times i lose with slark is when the other team full counter me because when I pick slark I first pick him.
                                                                          So I end up vs timbersaw, bloodseeker, chaos knight, disruptor... even in these games I win 60% of them.


                                                                            ^ 54% winrate slark , god the shitty players r always the most cancerous , i wouldn't have read that from a 70% winrate 7k mmr slark


                                                                              54% ??? Not on the last patch you can't take games into account when I started the game in 2013 when slark had different ulti.
                                                                              I have like 65% this patch or on the last 3 months.


                                                                                First of all know ur counters and try to ban them by checking which of ur enemy plays them mostly during load screen. Secondly try not to fight multiple heroes if they have stun or ull get killed ez even with ur ulti so try to play safe and abt bs rupture, don't start fighting if bs is close and hasn't use it or linkins or orchid is the way to stop bs from doing it.Gl in ur future games. slark is actually fun hero if u play properly


                                                                                  Just play ursa Riki and pa you seem to do best with those three . Riki can roam support offlane or roam regular . Pa can mid or safe , maybe offlane in your bracket . Ursa can safe , jungle or offlane in your bracket so you'll be covered with those three .


                                                                                    I always pick slark 3rd or later when I want to win with him.

                                                                                    I feel like your problems extend beyond your experience with slark and it's more to do with your general playstyle and mentality


                                                                                      He keeps mentioning high ground it seems like I said before just wait to go high ground after a important gank or a team fight won outside thier base . Sounds like you are panicking and trying to force high ground too much .

                                                                                      suck dick for pma

                                                                                        I can teach you how to play him very agressive and win at up to mmr 4.5k mmr level

                                                                                        suck dick for pma

                                                                                          add me steam

                                                                                          Dire Wolf

                                                                                            yeah slark has a lot of counters, some would consider them hard counters. Tons of lock down and silences can really fuck him like disruptor. Riki is not a great matchup but not awful. Lc is pretty awful to plays vs since duel > you. Lion, shadow shaman, these guys have some wicked disables but they're also food for you sometimes so idk depends.


                                                                                              I feel you bro
                                                                                              My void and AM winrate is doomed :(

                                                                                              Fox McCloud

                                                                                                Why do people buy Echo Sabre on him? It doesnt synergize super well with him (like with Sven or even Void).

                                                                                                I mean, i buy Echo on him every time, but that's because i suck at landing pounces. The invis-break-ES slow-pounce combo makes it easy for me.

                                                                                                The money couldve been used for a better cause, no? I mean is one extra essence shift steal really that gamebreaking?


                                                                                                  Echo lets you get off a lot more free autoattacks before you need to pounce and it can often be the difference in whether or not you kill a hero before your Dark pact purge period expires.

                                                                                                  Another reason is that you never need to go back to base again for regen purposes


                                                                                                    @balanced player : i can't add steam :( add me please "25+mmr for gryffindor"

                                                                                                    @filthy : my riki winrate this patch is rlly low like 30% , most of my winrate comes from his pre-rework , i rlly suck at playing riki support
                                                                                                    for ursa , he gets rlly boring if u spam him , & PA ye i should probably just play her with WK

                                                                                                    @Syphius : ye i think thats the problem , i play slark with my ursa mentality & "end fast pls" rather than waiting around their base farming their jungle , maybe i panic thats why i throw the games i'll try to work on that thank you guys

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                                                                                                      The key with Slark is attacking, picking off heroes constantly and not letting the other team get the advantage, if you can keep stacking your agility with your red ability then he is u stop able. If you don't do it you will be useless really. So you pick off heroes, hit 1 or two camps then do it again and when you team fight never initiate always wait for the right opportunity.

                                                                                                      Dire Wolf

                                                                                                        Echo is like the perfect item for slark, you can open with shadowblade/silver edge bonus attack, land a slow because of it, steal an extra essence stack, then hit your pounce easily cus they are slowed AND IT HAS MANA REGEN!!! One of slarks bigger issues is mana regen actually. It just had best all around stats for slark.