General Discussion

General Discussioncan someone teach me how to offlane.

can someone teach me how to offlane. in General Discussion

    every time i abandon the game i want to get manaleaked


      yeey, i think i figured it out

      Professor Dog

        Triple is as good as this forum gets for offlane spamming but he's been jack all helpful last 2 weeks so gl


          yeey ty all for the tips, i learned to offlane :3

          ez wins

          holy shit this lane is good for wins

          this is the most important thing that i managed to learn:

          play offlane(pos 3) as a pos 2 and pos 4 hybrid

          Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert

            offlane isnt hard at all depens on the enemies

            But if u happen to meet these heroes just go jungle

            they can harras u without tirggering the aggro . Not to mention if theres kotl and another support

            gl man with ur offlane journey

            Need to talk,remove your ...

              Haha best thing I learned from playing offlane is to fuck with creep equilibrium all the time, everytime.


                Offline Brewmaster, Bristle, Centaur, Necro, Tide, that's my favourite to play oh and Beast Master. You soak up xp, get as many last hits as possible, play under your tower, try not to leave the lane and stay alive


                  If you cant lane, go gank and pressure mid. Their supports will leave lane, then you go back there and continue to farm.


                    i am in the same skill braket as you (3.5k-4k) and play some offlane and support safelane.
                    if you wonna play sk go jungle it takes like 8-10 min and just don't play sk in offlaner it is not good in general...

                    play heroes like tidehunter, phoenix, underlord, weaver, timber bristle back, axe, viod, clock
                    where you can harass the support away (they often bit a greedy one) or one with escape.
                    then picking a offlaner either be able to contest like with axe and timber or one who just need the xp and can make thing happen with that like phynix and clock, and then make sure to get a kill then you get lvl 6 either your own lane or some where els.

                    it is alway a good idea to stand to the side farest away from the forest so you have longer to react if they come for you, and most often it is better to hide an tp away (to your tower if you are not low health)

                    bring like 8 tangoes and go for tringel boots or ring of health if you can build it into something then the support can harass you away.

                    other then tangoes bring 1-2 mama pots so you can use your mana to harass the support away (often it is posible to get a kill, depending on your hero), carries rarely help with harassing at this skill lvl so often it is you vs the support.

                    if they have a forester and you know the support might be at your lane play careful stand in trees so you can fog easily and tp

                    the first 2-3 min is the battle of reagen, if you can force the support to use all of thier reagen viel you have like 3 tangoes you just secured you a fast lvl 4 and a lead so you are able to kill the support and therefore they are less likely to gank you alone without a 3 man. Sometimes you have to take the creep can to get lvl 2 and really be able to contest...

                    but best advice go watch the high mmr play, just the first 5 min of the battle, do it a few times and you will know the general things to do.

                    Player 215168758

                      Skip until you find that "blue star"


                        Mate cookie maybe try tidehunter, earth spirit or faceless offlaner, these heroes had better escape mechanism and doesn't need mammoth gold to be usefull. I am very annoyed with good supports too, they will push you to your limit. Hahaha. I sometime threw flames to enemy support's for being irritating. Mind games help man.xd.


                          Pick matters. SK offlane is underwhelming. But he had been underwhelming for a long time.

                          Abuse side shop 10 sec ror. Every bit help. Try to stop their support from tp in front of u. If support are not in lane, check for their inventory tp scroll and keep check of tp cd.

                          Runes timing are important. Assess the situation to see whether to go for rune or to stay for 2 more creep kills or potential hero kill.

                          Levels are important. Tide lvl 6, SK lvl 6, clock lvl 6 all are devastating. Maintain a balance between ganking mid and leeching experience till you are lvl 6.

                          That usually is the end of offlane stage for me as I start to roam kill objective jungle fountain repeat.

                          INSAN KEKURANGAN

                            as per your 'ty for all the tips' post is the thread closed or are u still seeking advices, cookies? mainly played offlane to climb the SEA mmr ladder, albeit using 'traditional' offlaners instead of SK


                              @ takodoro ( in high level games you can't even go near side shop kiddo) lmao, 3 step away from your tower ,your dead. Lmfao.
                              Were talkin here of offlane not safelane where you can last hit like king or abuse side shop like taylor swifts take offs and on her panty with different boys every 3 months. You don't have those opportunities, you are in the deadliest/poorest lane kid.