General Discussion

General Discussion[Suggestion] Filter "Matchups" by MMR tiers

[Suggestion] Filter "Matchups" by MMR tiers in General Discussion

    I think the "Matchup" tab is misleading as it contains playstyles of every MMR.

    I used to lookup good counter picks with this feature but stopped recently doing that. The feature is just not helpful for 6k+ games because the average player doesn't abuse heroes strengths and weaknesses as well as 6k+ players. I've noticed this when I was in a game vs a TA pick. I wanted to go pick something that's strong early, and breaks her refraction stacks. I thought about ogre. He's a perfect fit. He is super annoying for TA because he has insane armor early so she can't do anything about him. Also Ignite removes refraction stacks. It played out very well, I constantly harassed her and she got nothing. Then we rolled over them and won the game.
    Now when I looked up TA's matchups I was shocked when she only had a -0,24% edge over Ogre. So apparently Ogre is good vs TA but really not that much. Why is that? It's because players in lower mmr don't abuse the fact that Ogre can punish TA so heavily early. In lower MMR games supports are in the top lane and don't do anything else other than pulling. The concept of roaming and punishing weak lanes or abusing the fact that you can remove refraction stacks easily with Ignite is just not understood by every MMR. So in 1k MMR a TA does way better vs an Ogre than in 6k (I assume).

    This is why I suggest the ability to filter Matchups by MMR.
    Thanks for reading.

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      This shits going real


        then dota buff is not the website for you in the first place...

        set skill level = desired skill level and voila


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          very high skill level is 3.7k+ :p

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