General Discussion

General Discussionwhy do people smurf ??/

why do people smurf ??/ in General Discussion

    Why smurf if You arent doing it to get low mmr ??


      They smurf to so thing that they dont wanna on main acc. Or just stomp loww mmr ppls. Sry for bad english


        i do it mostly for fun, casual relaxing games and stomping nuubz


          Take my example, i played tons of games and I do farely well but then i want to know if I can play well against higher mmr.


            why call urself 7ckngmad is the real question


              smurfing is love, smurfing is lyfe

              M U R D E R

                play against better players than as if you play in your main. It helps to learn at least for me.

                casual gamer

                  they think their mmr does not reflect their skill

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                  M U R D E R

                    If anything, losing to highly skilled players helps you understand the difference in your skill and what you need to improve.

                    imo its the best way to learn


                      Cookie "i do it mostly for fun, casual relaxing games and stomping nuubz" meanwhile plays 120 bot games to lvlup instead of playing real games


                        Maybe You should try to take the Game more casually. I personnaly started doing This a few month ago and my skill raised a lot. I have to admit That i played unranked to relieve the stress but now i dont care That Much in ranked Game either but i'm still try harding. FeelsAmazingMan. I've Never had That Much fun playing dotes.

                        @thefinalhopeofeu im named fuckingmad because This guy is a cool ass nigga.


                          well people create smurfs mostly cause they are unhappy with their mmr. you can freely call them fa ggots cause there is no other words for people who destroy experience of the game to those who are just beginners.
                          second thing, everyone here is casual. everyone. except some of the people tend to take dota 2 very seriously and invest 150 hours of their life lvling up account just to get new mmr even though they wont get anything out of it. depressing when you think about it.


                            Smurfing is a nice way of trying wicked builds, and help you understand which aspects of the game you're decent at, and which aspects are still sheit. Also, it made me realise that sub 1k people are actually way nicer than 4k+

                            5 Colored Paragon

                              it's really unfair for us newbie, who got matched against vhs smurf. Like @coroner said, u people are destroying our game experience.


                                Misinformation about what u can get out of smurfing