do these 5 challenges and you'll be a 2-3k carry player:
these are done in lobby games(no bots 1v0)
1. 10 min- no creeps missed (82+ lasthits minimum)
2. 10 min- 80 lh/40 deny safelane, creeps can't enter either team's tower. if they do you reset
3. 10 min- 100 LH safelane
4. 30 min- 600 LH
5. 15 min- end the game(destroy enemy ancient)
30 min- 600 LH
Looks fucking crazy. I guess you can do that only as something like naga partying with a support, who is stacking jungle for you like crazy and other team is 1k mmr lower (in the real game)
it's really easy to get 600 in a empty lobby, there's no one stopping you from farming
here's a real game example, no one stacked shit:
Last hitting 60-70 at 10 min seems good and do some rotating to the small camp to have more farm after clearing the creep waves in lane. Decision making on item build for example since AM have high magic resistance sometime u need to consider buying BKB depending on the enemy hero.
I have already seen this game linked in the other thread. As far as I remember, you have said that u were intentively turtling this ridiculously one-sided game to see what are your maximum capabilities in farming. Also, it's a normal skill game - far lower than your level of skill. I guess, u were smurfing. I doubt, that you would do that in a regular ranked game vs equally skilled team.
No one's arguing that it's difficult to do in an empty lobby tho :)
yup pretty much that happened, i stomped early game and my low mmr teammates couldn't finish and enemies were too stupid to turn it around. that game could've been ended by 20 min.
in a regular game i get about 30 min 500 lh, also in a regular eaqually skilled game i would never give my enemies a chance to come back like this.
not to mention that my record in 30 min empty lobby is 800 lh, 600 is like a baby version of that challenge
Dude. At 1k there isn't Nything u need to learn except to fucking last hit bro. U say u r good at lane. But I would destroy u for sure. Pls don't say shit like that. U probably suck horribly in lane. Keep improving your last hits in a contested lane. That's the only way
Watch This :
You say You are better than the players You are facing but if You want to really improve aim for the 9k skill lvl. What i mean is That you need go work to be perfect. At lh for exemple or itemisation or positionning or Game sens (knowing when someone Will try to gank You and what can he do to kill You).
This Is my no1 advice to anyone who wants to get better, try to be the best.
Cookie I am kind of tempted to try that out ...what hero should I do that with? Like the first one that came to my mind was AM but I want to know what hero you made 800 cs in 30 mins with and try it out myself. Ty for answer :).
EDIT: If you did 800 with AM Ima try to go for 1k with meepo lul.
i did it all with AM, you can get 600 with majority of carries with farming abilities and proper planing.
technically you can cheat and go meepo, getting 800 with him is like a piece of cake
edit: ye go for it, shouldn't be hard
meepo/naga are the really cheaty ones, some proper mana planning and microing and you have a billion cs
post me your results, im quite interested if someone can pull 1k off
Gonna try am, then Ima try meepo. Pretty sure you can go over 1k with naga(radi oct manta build) ...
Did you buy your own cour to send items or cheat that one in?
Also thinkin about the build ...would u go treads or travels ? Or stuff like bf=>treads=>yasha=>travels ...not sure whats the most efficient when the maps is completely free ..treads might just be time losing i suppose?
yea u go anti mage buy blink radi octa butterfly and get 1k creeps in 35 min no big deal lmaooo this guy
If you're still 1k despite being 'good' you think you are then you need to keep improving til you reach higher mmr. Dont stop trying to improve on your last hits and lane control. It can always be better and thats the basics of laning after all
@bratan $.$ i have no idea what you're talking bout $.$, i'm totally 3k no need to do any research on that account >-> no boosting done there <-< just move on, nothing to see there >.>
@RanDoM i bought and upgraded it, it's only 250g total not much when you're gonna have like 1.3k+ gpm
i started with treads for the faster farming speed, then changed to travels for the movement
@Son of a bitch am already clears camps really fast, that won't help. most of the time you'll be having a camp killed and blink on cd
@薄氷 lyfe is hard
800 lh by 30 min seems nuts , i tried empty lobby with sven , by 10 min i had 99 last hits , i didn't finish to 30 min to check but by around 20 min i had 300 last hits i doubt i would've got 800 by 30 min tho, but i was doing realistic farming ( only farming lane & my jungle / ancients ) not going to enemy jungle/ancients cuz it would be impossible to do in real game without getting ganked
the 800 is to get the highest possible farming efficency, it makes it easy to farm in a real game where you have opponents blocking you
What's the point of farming an empty lobby lol? Seems like a massive waste of time to me, just play the game. Farming well on AM isn't about being able to farm in empty lobby with no enemies, it's about pressuring the map properly, forcing enemies to defend your pushing instead of ganking your allies/taking objectives and farming dangerous areas while leaving safe ones for your allies. There are plenty of games where I have sacrificed pure gpm to apply more map pressure.
very simple, it's a method that works on the fact that low mmr players can't work against someone who's 6 slotted in 25 minutes.
so it's a cheaty way to git gud. it seems easy for you because you already know how to farm, this challenge isn't for a high player.
it's for lowbies to git gud
ofc i'll gladly sacrifice half my farm if i get to end the game sooner, but this isn't about that nor creating space. if i don't have the ability to farm at all then i'm just a burden to my team
like me i'm 100% sure that you'll be able to ace all these challenges, but these aren't made for you who already knows farming basics.
trust me , enemy teams don't know how to play vs someone who is 6 slotted by 20 min & even ur team doesn't know too.
When i play alchemist ( this match for exemple ) i had all my items by 20 min & started to push objectives & i was doing so much dmg to enemy team but my team was playing too passive & farming jungle , they didnt want push with me & the game got dragged too long & we lost , i had 70 last hits as mid by 10 min & 933 gpm even tho we lost but we gave room for slark to farm cuz my team didn't commit to pushing with me
Those challenges really were quite helpful (was able to do 100 cs with Iron Talon Slark (hard camps)), but as people said, in real games you probably are going to have to fight early game which will kill your cs, but, hey, free kills.
900 gpm is not much on an alche. given the fact in a 2k freefarm game like that i'd get 1.3k+
you need to get fully farmed up, you had manta only 20, octa 26 and ac 31
^ 900 when u lose is not bad , when i win with alch i manage 1k+ & i don't have your farming patterns ofc , but it was just an example to show you that you can still lose even if you outfarm the enemy if ur not playing a late carry ( alch time to shine is 20-30 min then hes shit )& ur team don't commit to pushing & ending fast
well true, even i lost games with 1.3k+ gpm
but you'll be winning at least 7/10 games like that
oh for your team not pushing it's very simple, tell them im farmed lets go bitchez
and then ping them like a retard
can i get to 3k solo by solely doing these challenges, mastering them, and do them in a real game as any carry with a farming ability
pretty much, it's a cheaty way that works on the fact how shitty low players are against defending someone who's 6 slotted at 25 min.
some of these challenges are literally impossible to recreate in a real game, but they make real games easy as fuck
ok brb, posting results here when i get the time to try this
100 mmr climb isnt much, but ill try to do it in a day sometime after perfecting these challenges solely with AM to see if this will really work for me
i can actually win games without godlike farming patterns by solely winning lanes and snowballing with an offlaner/support
problem is i still have to rely on my team to some extent. if theyre too braindead to use the space then we'll sure as hell lose the game. thats why most of my 40+ min games end up in losses because my hero starts to fall off and me and my whole team just starts throwing the huge advantage i made
thats why im trying to learn how to win games on a different parameter.
if u dont believe me feel free to check out my timbersaw games this patch. almost all of them are in solo ranked since i never get to play offlane in parties anyway
I tried the 30 min 600 creeps challenge with AM ...dude, my creeps killed the enemy ancient at 27:29 and I had 632 cs at that time...sort of unfortunate that the game got ended like that ...didnt that happen to u ?
haha, i completely forgot to mention that. that's why i stay away from pushing the towers in the 600-800 challenge, that shit happens.
i just ignore towers and go for lasthits, sure the towers give a lot of gold but that shit may happen and it ends too early.
i tried solo lobby with alchemist mid , i tried to stack the 2 camps near mid lane every time the wave was pushed to speed up my farm , i had 83 last hit at 10 min & almost finished radiance ( which i finished at 11 min ) i went the standard soul ring > brown boots > armlet > radiance > BoT > Manta > octalol then i went for mjolnir & finished with an eaten moonshard , i tried to farm everywhere i could ( sending 1 clone to farm lane while another farm enemy jungle & me farming another lane ) i end the game at 26 min with mega creeps & my final gpm was 1300 , i still think it could be imrpoved maybe like 1500+ if i do everything flawless
Hi Mr. Aui._2000MMR, after all that replies, it just all goes down to the point that you can just win your games by farming (in your bracket). But realistically, when facing skilled enemies, it doesnt matter if you farm too well, you may still lose your game if you fail to apply pressure to the enemies or having a very bad misplay (yes, it is tilting).
I didnt touch them towers tho :(. True is that Ive spent most of the time in lanes instead of the jungle which seemed like it is more profiting but the push was too much I suppose.
Anyway, ty for proposing those challenges, was fun to try :).
mathematically speaking, the jungle gives more farm if you can clear more than 3.5 camps a minute(medium, hard camps) than just lane
anyways, no problem have fun :3
As I have expected,I got way less efficient farm against decent opponents on my HS smurf (expected it to go back to NS)
just do the challenges, it'll be enough. if you want throw in the advanced ones to be 100% sure
Outfarming isn't enough. I lose even when ahead of my opponents when all my team goes like 1/15 0/6 3/12 etc on such kind of scores all with 200-400 gpm xD
I wasn't sure that this was possible, then I got 685 last hits on my first attempt at the 30 minute one...
i always get 74-77lh out of 3 attempts on #1
also from the same 3 attempts i always get 40+ denies, but i cant keep the equilibrium so they always end up on either tower
help me god
Can you get 600 cs per 30 mins without buying farming items like Maelstorm/Manta/BF or playing AM/SVEN/NAGA/ALCH?
I guess you can, and I'm just dogshit.
600 cs per 30 min has to be done with those heroes I think
Still trying to improve lane equilibrium
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As a trash 1k player,I want to know if you guys have any idea what aspect should I improve
My last hitting and lane control is quite good compared to other people on this level,but I always felt something is lacking (why did I lose why I couldn't 1v9 that game omg,kind of thing)