General Discussion

General DiscussionAm i an asshole :\ ? story time.

Am i an asshole :\ ? story time. in General Discussion

    It was at the start of a ranked game. I prepare to pick Zeus i click mid and tell my team that i will go mid.

    Another player instantly picks kunkka click mid. At this point i think he missclicked or something.

    I then pick zeus and he writes hes going mid and im like no thx.

    The game starts. We both go mid. Im like can you please leave he doesnt say much i dont insist. I try to get my bottle he feeds the courrier. My team apparently reports him.

    Then it gets interessting. SD on my team tells me to leave the mid because if i dont kunkka will keep on feeding courriers (he also killed me once with xmark).

    I dont agree with him because there is no other place to farm and i think support zeus is one of the most stupid thing you could do (maybe it isnt whatever). He starts flaming and insulting me. He also reports me. I stay on the lane. At this point my entire team starts flaming me. They say i ruined the game. They insults and tell me to go support zeus. I say i would rather leave than go support and then i leave.

    Someone stole my lane and fed, my team flamed me for it (completly forgot about kunkka) i got an abbandon and everyone on my team thinks i m the biggest dick ever. Were they right? Ask me if you have any question.

    Thanks for reading

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    me, government hooker


      stupid fuck 2000

        why would you want to impersonate 7ckingbad LUL


          Because i'm fucking mad Kappa. (Because he is the only thing that ressembles a french pro player and a lot of bullshit happened to me lately so i was like "imfockinmed" but it actually makes me laugh more than anything else)

          Do you want to know where does my profile picture comes from LUL ?


            Zues barely needs any items


              AYYYYY LMAO
              Zeus is one of the best late game heroes. Completly useless without items.

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                Zeus is one of the best late game heroes


                  Completly useless without items.

                  Pale Mannie


                      I've seen this kinda situation before, and as much as it sucks, I think it's better to be the bigger man and just go lane somewhere else. Try get like force staff/aether lens, do what you can as semi-support. Nobody wins when everyone is mad and team is feeding


                        Hopefully you reported the rubick as well as the kunkka.


                          It sucks. Especially since support kunka is a thing now and support zues isn't. But it sounds like you were being too adamant with an idiot. He obviously isn't going to budge, and everyone already reported him. So your next step is to find the best situation knowing he won't budge. Your best farm was mid, but not with him there. The other players were likely wondering why you were staying in this lost cause lane.


                            Zeus is one of the best late game heroes

                            not one of the best but also not bad.

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                            Dune, the Desert Planet

                              He's insanely strong in late game assuming he has items. Dafuq u talking about?


                                I do the same but rarely, you take others down with you when you do that stuff.. but it feels worth it. If someone is an asshole I feel inclined to be an asshole back.

                                How am I gonna support an asshole? Or will I play tilted as a core? It's a lose lose situation.

                                Fuck it.

                                Bad Intentions

                                  I guess the moral lesson of the story is..


                                    Don't do drugs


                                      zues support is actually very good esp in ur bracket where games go on longer than they should, you can win a lane for your team and transition as you support them.

                                      No matter what as long as you have mana you will have high dmg out put.

                                      The problem here is that Kunka picked the HERO BEFORE YOU DID, so picking ur hero AFTER is bad.

                                      You will learn that lane stealing will always lose your matches.

                                      You should have just picked another hero.

                                      I'm not tryna sound righteous, i'm just saying it never ends well when 2 ppl are in a lane tryna get the other to leave.

                                      Feeding will ovccur 90% of the time.

                                      Just go to another lane, and don't die, that iwill increase the chances of you winning, now u have mad reports and shit

                                      Also, your team will feel better once they see you AVOIDED A CONFLICT, they will LISTEN to you more. ETC

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                                        I got my reports down from 30 in last 10 matches to 6 in last 10 matches , it is possible to just play well with teammates, when anything bad happens, just remember that everyone is doing their best and there is absolutely no reason to be negative, being negative doesn't do anything good. I learned that after 20 low pri matches


                                          All zues needs is Mobility. He has the damage. so he dont need items


                                            Just because you marked mid 1st doesnt mean you get to go mid for sure. He picked his hero 1st, and his hero can do well in mid.
                                            You're supposed to adapt to this and pick according to what your team needs. But you insisted on fighting for mid.
                                            From my perspective, it is you who should be blamed. He picked his hero and he cant do anything about it, but you havent picked yours yet. The ball is in your court. Do you help your mid player gain an advantage now or do you make a new enemy?
                                            You're one of the those "i marked X lane 1st, so everyone has to F off from X lane"
                                            You wont improve if you keep on doing this thing


                                              Just report him and go to a sidelane and get some kills.

                                              And then focus on KS'ing Kunkka as much as you can with your ulti :-)


                                                Batt.blind is right though. Think how different the game could've been - in result and attitude if you'd been a man and just let Kunkka mid.


                                                  yes you're as much of an ass as he is


                                                    yes you are


                                                      I Will answer first the juicy stuff and then give my boring opinion on Zeus.

                                                      Many of you mentionned the fact that i picked after kunkka and therefore i am an ass. If you read carefully my post you will see that he never stated he was going mid he only clicked on the map. I forgot to tell wwhy i tought it was a "joke", at the start of the game 4 people clicked the mid, only kunkka didnt left and he said nothing about mid so i quickly assumed he wasnt going mid. Imagine there is someone That hates yellow, you happen to year a yellow shirt then he punches you in the face who should blamed ? (i initially wrote the same thing using much more violent topic but got censored, i think you get it) Is it my bad, i dont think so but next time something similar happens i will try to pick a hero that can go onto other lanes than mid more easily than Zeus ( like kunkka LUL).
                                                      Also about the 90% of the time it will end up with feeding, it is the first time it happens to me in 2.4k hours.

                                                      Now the boring Zeus discussion. If you want Zeus to be usefull late game you neef the right items. The Most important one is octarine (50% more dmg). Then you want mobility like blink and euls, bots are always Nice. The mobility coupled with hp and ls of octarine let you survive easily teamfights dealing your absurd amount of damage. I also pick up aether Lens to be sure that i will never be out of range and to stay away from the ennemy as Much as possible (especially when defending high grounds). As last item i usually get sheepstick to protect my allies but i guess shiva or even bkb to could ve nice to become more of a frontliner. Now why is Zeus support bad, you have 0 utility, absolutly none. Its like running silencer support if he only had glaive as a spell. So many heroes are better than Zeus at supporting at every stage of the game and i know that at 4k you Can still find a lot of farm you cores arent taking but still, you're just making the game harder than it already is by picking support Zeus.

                                                      I really think i could have won the game, i only left because of all the flaming. Low prio games are way better than this 3.5k ranked bs.

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                                                        I forgot to tell wwhy i tought it was a "joke"

                                                        After you realized that he's going mid, you still contested the lane from him. What does that make you?

                                                        Now why is Zeus support bad, you have 0 utility, absolutly none.

                                                        Professional teams have picked zeus as a support and it works just fine. The fact that you mentioned octarine/blink/bots means you have no idea what a position 5/hard support means. Any other "support" will never have the luxury to farm those items. A support zeus can take away the vision from enemy team throughout the entire game. That is way more useful than any other utility you can think about.
                                                        If you think that is bad, imagine playing a losing game with no vision at all. No matter how many items you have in the late game, if you have no vision and the enemy jumps you, you might as well rage quit. Now what support can give you that vision advantage i wonder


                                                          The fact That you tell me That you need Zeus as position 5 to get vision advantage means You dont know what is position 5. I cant remember a Zeus support in a pro Game, i hardly remember 2 Zeus pro games.
                                                          You only have 800 games.
                                                          Sentries are 200 gold, gem is 900.
                                                          I contestes the lane because i picked Zeus and couldnt Farm anywhere else.
                                                          I mentionned octarine when talking about the strengh of Zeus core.
                                                          You are cuck. Learn how to read. I am triggered.


                                                            sentries and gems as zeus


                                                              Im not going to address everything since it's just pointless, we have seen a lot of like you, trying very hard to convince us that you're right.
                                                              Here are a few points that you should know though:

                                                              Liquid drafted zeus support recently in TS 5 in their LB finals against OG.
                                                              So you're trying to say that Kuroky, the person who drafted the zeus , someone who has attended all TIs does not know what a pos 5 is? Im pretty sure there's a few more games where zeus has been used as pos 5.

                                                              You only have 800 games.

                                                              You do realize that despite having only 800 games, i am doing way better than you are right now is not a good point for you right?
                                                              You have 58 VHS games out of 1730. That's roughly 3.5%.
                                                              If you prefer quantity over quality, I rest my case as I have nothing to say.

                                                              You are cuck.

                                                              If this is how you address others, im pretty sure you've left out a few details about your story so that it seem favorable for you

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                                                              Self-love is gay

                                                                Ok, i will have my opinion on this shit.
                                                                If you said it was a joke (4 players mid), i think you should go mid anyways. I would think that they would leave the mid too and that they were only joking. The problem is that kunkka picked 1st but you clicked on the mid 1st. I think picking is more important than clicking on the map so in that way, you shouldnt pick zeus mid after he picked kunkka mid. I dont feel that saying he misclicked is a excuse for you to pick mid, its kind of hard to misclick by picking kunkka and at the same time click mid. In this way, you have the fault for the reasons i have already said but kunkka has too, because he stole mid.
                                                                Then, you stayed on the lane even knowing that kunkka wouldnt leave mid. Semi-support zeus is not that bad and its always better to dont mess (by this i mean dont annoy them) with those type of kunkka players, because if you do that, they will start feeding and shit like that.
                                                                Of course kunkka was a jerk, but try to adapt to every situation and think before you say or do something related to those salty players.

                                                                Moving on to zeus as a support and late game hero.
                                                                I agree with you that zeus is one of the best late game magic based damage type of heroes, when has the items. His passive is amazing in late game.
                                                                Support zeus is not bad but not good neither. He offers 0 disable, slows or silences. But, he can save a GIGANTIC amount of money by not buying sentry and gems with his 2nd skill. When you have zeus in a team, if you know how to predict some enemy wards locations, you will have map vision dominance.


                                                                  Yeah best deward in game= zero utility. You had plenty of opportunities to change your lane. Fucking cancer.


                                                                    I don't think anything would justify your actions to stay mid knowing he won't go away, and abandoning a draft that's totally winnable. In fact the draft actually was more superior than theirs, knowing it would be a 4-protect-1 versus another 4-protect-1, with both teams having abilities to save the core and your core having better chance to manfight (after getting BKB).

                                                                    Why make the teammates turn against you while you become so salty? You could have done many other things in the game. Clearly you did not manage to see why did they ask you to leave mid instead of Kunkka because they realize he won't. It is not like you could have won anything out of the ego urging you to stay mid to send a message, you need to win the game and that should be your only goal in ranked.

                                                                    I bet your friend will less likely invite you to play along, or was ready for a stomp not a shitfest revolving around his own friend. Sucks for him that he is in no position to improve the situation with that hero so early on.

                                                                    Try to analyze the situation before claiming anything to be true. Nowhere to farm? Pudge's lane sucked for him but you can actually last hit from distance with first skill without risking getting killed.

                                                                    Get down your high horse. Other people being a cuck doesn't justify you being right, let alone deserving of climbing or even winning.


                                                                      Batt blind i wont answer you anymore because i dont even know what you want.

                                                                      Thanks for the answers so nice from fuck juggernaut
                                                                      arcana and mushi though.

                                                                      I know That i obviously should have went bottom. I would have got decent Farm and i really dont see how i could have lost This. You must also realize That everything happened really Fast (7 minutes). When i left, kunkka killed the second courrier with my bottle and i was going bot. My team flamed me a shitload for the second courrier and my friend sent me a message saying i ruined the Game again (last Game i pick first magnus mid, morphling pick and wants mid he starts saying he is only here to throw the Game and That he is an mmr assassin. Morphling went offlane and played full strengh the entire Game).

                                                                      It has nothing to do with ego, if i posted This it was because after That Game my computer stopped working and i had nothing to do. I obviouly was left to not leave, thanks for the fun the "fucking cancer" comments brought me.
                                                                      I actually tought people would laugh for me getting flamed.

                                                                      Anyway thanks for the answers, i think ITS TIME TO STOP and get back to the memes. We definitly need a Zeus topic though. I guess i'll make it with a shitty guide so maybe ill see less agh/refresher/veil Zeus once i can play again.

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                                                                        ^ Can you rephrase your paragraph so people would actually understand what you try to mean? I don't think that would get people onto your side when you can't explain well.

                                                                        People don't flame for absolutely no reasons, but they do for either right or wrong ones. The mute button is always there and I'm sure your friend could have helped you if you asked; everybody was and is in this shit so you need to get over flamers (and not become one yourself)

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                                                                            You fought someone for mid. You could have gone long or not picked zeus when it was obviously going to be contested mid.

                                                                            You are a dick, so is he. But I don't really care what goes on in low mmr.


                                                                              I Just checked the chat logs, sd completly abbandonned the top supporting, and pudge (and maybe sd) tought i fed the courrier so i guess Thats why they flamed. I didnt really flamed (i really really rarely do honestly), i only said gg wp.

                                                                              If i dont answer You its because what you say makes no sens. Kuroky picked a position 4 not pos 5. You say That i value quantity over quality when YOU have more vhs games and I have way better vhs wr. You are Just wrong so please stop.

                                                                              Kinglala what you said has already been said and answered. And it was like 3.5k mmr Game cmunbruh its not THAT low Kappa.


                                                                                hiw did you and Kunkka lose mid so hard against a Lina anyway?


                                                                                  Ok so i got it wrong, instead of a 5, it's a 4. But it is still a support. So what's your point?
                                                                                  Your initial argument is that a zeus cannot be a support, but i have proven that you're wrong. Now you're trying to say that my point is not valid just because it's a position 4 instead of a 5?

                                                                                  About the win rates.
                                                                                  Let me tell you something.
                                                                                  You claim that you have higher quality vhs games because your win rate is higher right?
                                                                                  But what if i tell you, your vhs games are in the range of less than 4k? And what if mine is in the range of 5k?
                                                                                  Does that make you a better player? Honestly, the fact that you struggle even to get in vhs games speaks for itself.
                                                                                  If you think im full of crap,check my last game. There's a 5k in there.
                                                                                  And please keep in mind, i have only 800 games. You have more than my games doubled.

                                                                                  I've checked your posts, you rant here and there saying that rmm at 2.8k is cancerous.
                                                                                  You claim that you can win games at a 3k level in unranked consistently. This is because in unranked people are not that desperate for a win. People are not that serious. If you belong in the 3k bracket, you can easily get out of the 2.8k bracket.
                                                                                  I have a friend around the same mmr as you and he has the same attitude, complaining that his bracket is too cancerous.
                                                                                  So i played 15 solo games on his account and i won 13 of them,mostly stomps. I even had 4-5 games where i had to dual mid. I lost 2.
                                                                                  So maybe just maybe you should stop complaining about other people, and reflect on yourself. Stop living in a delusion where you think you deserve to be in a place where you clearly dont belong to. I've taken a few games from people who are almost 6k in unranked but does that make me 6k? Nops. Learn to know your place


                                                                                    "And it was like 3.5k mmr Game cmunbruh its not THAT low Kappa."

                                                                                    Exactly why you should have let other people mid knowing you are 2k yourself


                                                                                      It baffles me how many people claim that they are actually 1000 mmr higher than their actual mmr just because they have been winning in unranked and when asked to raise their actual solo they blame that others are too cancerous


                                                                                        I would be 500 mmr if my stupid team would stop holding me back. They try so hard to win games and it's annoying.


                                                                                          Well, in that situation, you need to be smarter and leave the fucking lane. why? simply he is stubborn, and both staying on lane wont accomplish anything so you adjust. whenever i had guy like that coming to duo mid, i leave thats it. there is no other solution if you want to win game.


                                                                                            Yes you are. You could have moved on to other lanes or jungle instead of forcing the lane contest. No one wins in a retard vs retard match up.


                                                                                              you are both plain retarded

                                                                                              wait for me

                                                                                                Am I the only one thinking, staying in a duel mid lane is wayy worse than going to top or bottom ?? And muting is better than leaving ??

                                                                                                Am I missing something here ??
                                                                                                (1k noob talking)


                                                                                                  Its always better to sacrifice at this time because anyways staying in the lane with such person will not win i the game anways instead try to do something else rather then arguing on the same thing :)



                                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                                      jesus fucking christ


                                                                                                        to sum it up:
                                                                                                        Yeah you were a dick, but kunkka was the bigger one
                                                                                                        Supp kunkka is far better then Support zeus, specially if the Zeus player doesn't know that Zeus can be a good supp. I don't blame the Zeus player because supp Zeus is nowhere near meta, but support Kunkka is basicly his current meta position.

                                                                                                        The second you left the game, tho, you became the joke, you should just have muted them all and play your game.