General Discussion

General DiscussionLess flame, more assistance

Less flame, more assistance in General Discussion

    So i've had my smurf sitting at 5k, after grinding it from 4.5 calibration.
    This account has been dormant at the trash tiers of 3k, due to many Dc's, lots of weed, drinks and general fucking around.

    but basically,
    You can climb to any mmr bracket you deserve to be in, you won't be winning every game. but i've gone 18-2 in the last 2 days, and on my road to 4k -> 5k again.

    3k->3.5k in 20games, isn't too shabby

    The biggest Tip i can give, is just to flame less and assist your team, Postivity, teamwork wins games.

    your waste of oxygen pudge keeps feeding, say 'badluck, lets gank here'.. that way, instead of tilting, he can have abit of direction..
    Herd the sheep, pro strat.

    anyways, road to 5k again. hoping to 3.5 -> 4k in 30games, 4k-> 4.5k, 50 (cancer tier imo) and then whatever it takes to get to 5k again. (where i sit)


      3k is not trash. 3k = better than 90% players according to valve's data.

      What's with every people wanting to climb the mmr? Is this some sort of inferiority complex?

      Hoe about not giving a poop and just enjoying the game?

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        3k is vastly different to 4k which is vastly different to 4.5k and 4.5k is vastly different to 5k.

        I personally would like to be playing with better players that i can learn, and trust to cast spells.

        Eg. playing with an omniknight, the higher you get the easier it is to trust him to make the right plays.

        I very much enjoy playing, but playing at a higher mmr is 'more fun'


          Well its more about playing some amatuer tournamets. There is no point playing them if your whole team is not at least 5k+. Ofc ive seen even 2.5 k teams, but its no fun getting your ass kicked by everyone.


            Oh, I see.


              I like you a lot, great mentality I think everyone should apply


                When you play @ 3k doesn't matter that the pick is all games are easy =]
                Sometimes have to flame cuz carries too dumb to even go take stacks I make for them.


                  if you were in the carries position,

                  And someone said to you.. "hey sven, i've got some stacks for you.. lets take them then smoke gank" or someshit.
                  You'd be pretty inclined to follow that guy, as he seems to know what he's doing.

                  If someone said to you "OI You fucking shit, TAKE THE STACKS, OMG SVEN" (allchats) "GG Sven NOOB"
                  You'd be alot less inclined to take them.

                  see where im getting at?

                  Side note. 21-2 last 2 days... won 3 more... on the ladder


                    "When you play @ 3k doesn't matter that the pick is all games are easy =] ". This is true for people who have 6k on their main and for some reason they are playing matches against people with 3k score. Othrwise it's false.

                    If someone is being a dick with you, just mute him. Where's the problem?

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                      6ks stomp 5ks ez. even avg 4.5 k guy can stomp 3k games.


                        "6ks stomp 5ks ez. even avg 4.5 k guy can stomp 3k games. " See? Confirming even more.


                          correct, but i'm not a 6k player, and assuming i'm going up against a 6k player, i have a 6k player of my own on my team to help.

                          Thus the Cycle of MMR

                          Yes you can stomp 3k games, its not rocket science.
                          But i'm talking consistancy, sometimes theres not alot you can do. Going Yolo and going for 25-2-25 everygame is nice. Assuming you get a core and some decent supports. however that luxuary isn't always there.
                          My point is, team work..... Regardless of MMR and how big your Epeen is. Focus on helping your team mates, and you'll win games.

                          inst:  MissMissclick

                            u dont seem to be dominating ur games. but u still win. so what exactly are u doing to help ur team win, aside from PMA? like how is ur insight and teamplay helping ur team to win games? cuz if u are not miles ahead in terms of farm or kills and u still win, then that's something worth knowng.

                            as a 3k, i have played in 1k bracket and dick around, dying alot, but still find myself winning games. i imagine it is the same. but of course i dont have the same insight for games at my own level.

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                              Basically, i'm not trying to solo carry. Hense why my scores are pretty weak, but my games i keep winning right.

                              The idea is just to play efficiently, eg. With tree, i died to succure a kill on thier mid hero.. Trading a 4 for a 2. is a good trade, because it snowballs my mid, and hurts thiers.

                              Sure there is games, EG. that rubick game, where i stomped (stole golems, omni ulti, eclipse) every teamfight after aghs. But generally.

                              I make sure there is vision on the map, regardless of my hero
                              I Assist in drafting phase, saying i will play any position any hero, but i would rather a core (5k player)
                              I assist in Item choices, (this would be a really good item this game)
                              I Set up timing pushes (when sven finishes AC, and my BKB we'll get rosh and end)
                              I out play them, cause uknow....
                              General Coaching 'Lets smoke', 'Slark has shadowblade get back top' kinda calls.
                              'Don't blink blind into creep waves' 'don't go on that void, he's baiting (4 missing)' You know.

                              Just the little shit, Never don't stack camps if you're around them, encourage team mates to do so. and show them 'Batrider, come clear this 5 stack i want some levels?"
                              Also, Team items, auras > Solo items.

                              PMA is still the greatest asset to have.

                              I'm not exactally triharding yet, as these games are kinda a breeze. triharding starts later, where i actually gotta focus on Farm and 1v9 (4k bracket where everyone is a pro)
                              For now, im kinda dicking around untill it gets harder.
                              My ember loss, that was on me. playing like a tard, the other 2 losses, definately werent on me. but 23-3 so far.

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                                This is everything I did everytime basically. xD

                                It's something you start to do if you are smart and learn from experience... I think.

                                feeding weaboo

                                  a guy that admits his own mistakes and actually does PMA got alot of MMR
                                  deserved :)


                                    This is not only in a videogame, it's also in real life.. generally speaking.

                                    inst:  MissMissclick

                                      nice insight. thx for showing every1 that its possible to win in other ways and not the typical, selfish-core-kill-everyone type guy.


                                        Of course it's possible, but your whole team has to be nice first of all from an attitude point of view. Then it comes the skill.


                                          tyvm guys. GL

                                          I'll keep it updated, Just bluescreened and dced in a prophet game we were winning. sad stori.

                                          If i cant admit my mistakes, how am i supposed to improve as a player, i have alot to learn. 5k is nothing on 9k.

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                                            If you play this game for hobby and you have 5k mmr you should already be satisfied, imho.
                                            Espeically considering that people start doing this FOR JOB once they get a minimum of 6k.
                                            They do this for job and they get paid, while you do this for hobby and to entertain yourself.
                                            This might lead to think that you are extremely good at this game, considering the rating you have, and you put a lot less effort into it probably compared to people who do this for job, since they live thanks to it.

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                                              ^ See this guy gets it!
                                              I also try and just get along with my team and be positive. I'm not by any means good at this game, but by helping my team get along I've got a decent winrate. Working with your team wins more games then trying to solo carry it with your "Superior Skills"
                                              Keep up the good stuff Peekaboo!


                                                It's not so hard to get it. It's obvious. Most of the people just don't think at all.

                                                Another obvious thing: you can do whatever you want, if your team does not follow you or does not perform good, you will probably lose. deal with ti and get a proper mindset.
                                                Sometimes instead you can have even 0 impact and the team can carry you.

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                                                Swap Commends

                                                  3k is actually worse than 1k.only luck cant boost u up from the hell.


                                                    I also believe that the roles you choose on every game reflects on your personality and virtues.


                                                      if you were in the carries position,

                                                      And someone said to you.. "hey sven, i've got some stacks for you.. lets take them then smoke gank" or someshit.
                                                      You'd be pretty inclined to follow that guy, as he seems to know what he's doing.

                                                      If someone said to you "OI You fucking shit, TAKE THE STACKS, OMG SVEN" (allchats) "GG Sven NOOB"
                                                      You'd be alot less inclined to take them.

                                                      see where im getting at?

                                                      usual 4k game:

                                                      "sven there are stacks in the jungle, go farm them when you can"
                                                      "sven there are stacks in the jungle, go farm them when you can"
                                                      "sven can you get the stacks before we lose towers"
                                                      "sven they already know about the stacks can you farm them"
                                                      "sven you FUCKING FOOL now we lost them because ure a fucking idiot and afk on lane"
                                                      "gg no support on lane muted reported noob"


                                                      Livin' Real Good
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                                                          "3k is actually worse than 1k.only luck cant boost u up from the hell".

                                                          2)Hell for who?