General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do I get better at Dota 2

How do I get better at Dota 2 in General Discussion
Happy John Howard

    Hey Guys,
    I'm a normal skill pleb and I calibrated at 1.2k mmr and am currently stuck around 2k.
    (I know I'm shit you don't have to tell me repeatedly)

    But I was wondering how do I actually get better at Dota,
    When I started I watched a lot of purge and all of Luminous' hero guides.
    For my last couple of Games I've lost even though I had relatively high kills and assists.

    The things I've tried doing is pushing after every teamfight (If we win that is), Taking a Break every time I get tilted and dying less but these obviously aren't working.

    Thanks in advance for any advice.

    (I'm also confident with most heroes but when I try the one's I'm not that good at it never goes well (That doom Game though >.<)

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    Bad Intentions

      U just have to dominate man, have dat killer mentality and u be fine :]


        You push after EVERY teamfight? Do you ever consider that you should do something else? For example, sometimes getting rosh then pushing or farming is the optimal move. Timing is everything, what if you killed 3 of their guys and they respawn in 20 seconds, then you push? If you can't get the tower in that amount of time, you only do chip damage--this might be good, but what if it secured you an aegis instead? Would that win you the game? You might in this scenario take 40 seconds to kill roshan, they would respawn in 20 seconds but take 20 seconds to get to you, arguably a better use of your advantage. You need to make these kind of decisions and point them out.

        Around 3.5k is where people finally learn the importance of last hits. Since you're 2k I highly doubt you consistently get 50+ last hits in the safelane by 10 minutes, for example. A 2k usually has something atrocious like 60 last hits by 15 minutes, 80 by 20. That's super unacceptable. You need 50 - 60+ by 10, around 110 by 20, and so on.. 190 - 220ish by 30 if you're a hero who is moderate at farming, but 300 by 30 if you're a sven who can have 10 cs/min by 10 - 15ish minutes. EVEN if you're fighting a lot, it just means you're inefficient if you can't farm well, AND OR you lost your lane and you continue to suck. People can get 10 cs/minute even in 6 - 7k average games. No excuses.

        Looking at your games, you never farm adequately and you die a lot. You can learn to last hit better, make better decisions, basically EVERYTHING. But you only have 600 games, so don't worry, you SHOULD suck with the little experience you have. The only thing you can do is keep playing but pay extra attention to every little detail. Low mmr players make the mistake of thinking small details are meaningless, but they mean everything, they're all you have after all. Also, blame yourself for like 97% of your losses--the ones you can't win are vs a smurf, and a small amount of other reasons, but it's almost never because your team lost a lane. Think about why you fucked up and how you could have won that match for your team. Individual skill is all that matters, no one wants to hear that your weaver fed bloodseeker 5 times in 10 minutes, what matters is how can YOU turn that situation upside down?