There are a lot of hs players playing from lowmmr accs. But yea, Benao had it coming.
sorry but
22 4 11 Stats
386 Lasthits
599 GPM
On ~1hour game as TA is 3k.
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But crushed with my team every team until we met ex gomba player and his stack Dx. And we only lost that because 3 out of 5 players were so nervous that they began to do very weird shit :D
not even 4k has that low lasthits and GPM on a 22 4 11 TA. He is legit 3k, shit's so sad.
Gonna watch the game, they say that invoker is to good to be true.
Is necro a build for invoker still?
I tough you go aghs into vise, shivas or octarine.
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After all the big talk how trash 5k+ players are, he lost to a fucking 1k phoenix and 3.1k TA. Holy Fucking Shit. Enemy team had average MMR of 2.4kish.