General Discussion

General DiscussionI need help.... I cant win anymore

I need help.... I cant win anymore in General Discussion

    I have had really good games recently and somehow shit keeps happening and we lose. If you notice anything out of these five games i could've done better to win pls tell me because i am out of ideas.


      slightly afraid of making unusual items,otherwise it seems fine,too lazy to check the replay
      also lina has been dogshit for a while,try to stay away from ppicking her if you expect some 1v9 kind of game like those


        you fail to kill heroes and kill the throne while they are dead, you dont die often but when you do the enemy takes your throne and wins the game

        Swap Commends

          U spamming lina & wr with 18% and 10% win rate
          U drag your team down.
          Leave dota2 scrub


            Well that was harsh^ but. Otherwise what heroes should i play then? And lina and wr were for the 5 kills 20 min quest and the final wind ranger quest

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            Not Supp-ort

              Dota is filled with trash if u calibrate at under 5k just give up cause it isn't worth it


                I almost never won a game with lina no matter how much I get kills or rape the other teams hard push same with clinkz

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                Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                  If this is your first account;

                  Relax, really... You don't have enough games under your belt to focus on small specifics. I would advise you to quit ranked MM for a while and go in normal MM and focus on improving. Judging from your games (lack of supports, bad builds, horrific last hits, etc.) your MMR is kinda low at this moment, which isn't bad since you are still a novice and probably belong there. Get into games and accept, which is essential, that you are bad, blame every bad teamfight/lost game on yourself, even if other fellow retards threw harder in your eyes, because there was probably an alternative where you could play better and won the game for your team. Stick with a good attitude and I promise you you will improve over time, you will get back into ranked and storm through the lower brackets.


                    Wow, ty. That was actually informative. (Im not being sarcastic)

                    Pablo, a Beautiful Mexican

                      Okay I watched your first game, cuz I couldn't sleep. And please don't get me wrong, I'm not here to flame you or whatever, but there is just soo much wrong in this game. Let me try to sum it up:
                      - I see you prefer to support, but you are not helping your carry at all. In the early game you pretty much constantly just sit in your lane occasionally hitting the enemy or hitting the creeps. Your Drow carry was also bad, sitting at 16 LHs @ 10 min in a lane where she could free farm, but okay. Try to soak as LESS exp possible from your carry. When you saw it was a Ursa solo off you should just zone him from the moment he got in lane, he shouldnt even be able to get his level 2 in lane but he was. After you zoned him just be sure to help your carry manage the creep equilibrium and then piss off doing real support things like helping mid, securing runes and stacking camps. I think you didnt even pull or stack once while you had multiple opportunities.
                      - You fed first blood for no reason, just being greedy and trying to go for a kill under the tower, unacceptable.
                      - 9 min in you decided to rotate mid, by walking all the way there, after Pudge died, you denied a tower which is good but then hanged around with 60% HP with an enemy ember in front of you who was already 3 levels ahead, you died ofc.
                      - I'm actually completely sure your Drow has some cognitive issues at this point, just tell your carries to stick in lane and focus on getting last hits. Don't let them roam with you because at that 9 min mark the Drow just blandly followed you, abandoning her lane where noone was at the moment and you guys just lost a few waves of exp and gold.
                      - you went with 3 guys on a 3-0 ember, he was TPing and instead of stunning him you started with laguna > slave > stun, if you just started with the stun you would have killed him...
                      - You run solo into the enemy woods and died in a 1v1 vs LS, why where you there? you couldnt get a solo kill since laguna was on CD...
                      More general advice:
                      - Everyone seems soo fucking clueless here, you guys keep running around achieving nothing, think what you have to do with every rotation you make. You were up against 5 rightclickers, who all need farm, they had a greedy jungler, so you HAVE TO punish it. Press matters in that case, focus on objectives. You could have easily taken some towers but were too concerned playing team deathmatch. You should have taken that game within 30 minutes, but didn't, thats why you lost.
                      - Warding is just bad. You started out with two wards, but only placed the first one 4 minutes into the game on a sub-optimal position. Consider giving your offlaner a ward, but in this case they could easily do without so I would have gone with a ward for your mid Pudge early on, so he could land some easier hooks. After that warding was still terrible with mostly river wards and sometimes on the obvious marked spots which you didn't need at the time. Try to ward more for a purpose, I think most people at lower rankings try to place a ward at a position where the most enemies cross, so they get most value out of the ward, but this is wrong. Ward for objectives, place a ward so you can safely push the tower or ward at the outer rim of the jungle so your carry can farm it more safely so he can come back after a harsh laning phase.

                      Now I'm actually tired


                        Analyze my performance pls (ranked mm) and how to 1v9 :^)


                          Smurf it. I have began smufing some time ago because the low mmr I am in pisses me off too much. Smurfing is fun because you face off against and with other smurfs so you can really see how good you are vs 3 to 4K players. I clocked in at 3 k and it is a different world ( most of the time) in games apart from 1 to 2k. Give it a try and you'll see you will improve your gameplay


                            3k now is no different with 2k


                              It is at least in majority do the games I play, only problem is people want to focus on kills instead of objectives which causes games to run on for much too long till an idiot gets caught out. Other than that, better sups who pull, stack, gank and more team work. Feel like 1 and 2k are the exact same and 3k is a bit different


                                Rofl, you want to see me support look here drow told me to kill the ursa for my quests and she would take last hits,but she sucked and the rest happened. She told me to carry instead.

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                                  git gud


                                    ^how original

                                    House Cat

                                      cause you have won for a pretty long time now :3 you win you lose hahaha.