General Discussion

General DiscussionNeed tips to improve.

Need tips to improve. in General Discussion
Another One

    Guys pls look at my riki matches and tell me, why I am not getting in to hs. Pls help so I can improve on that part. I want to improve myself very much, playing one hero at a time. So pls tell me how can I improve and get to hs.


      dont buy a boots, all u need is a dagon, much kills, and more rapiers


        I dont understand why new players spam certain heroes. Play random, dont give a fuck about winrate and learn the basics of the game first.

        D the Superior
          Dieser Kommentar wurde von einem Moderator entfernt

            You need to buy Euls, hex, abyssal and octarine core so you can constantly cc enemy heros while invis.
            Great for mmr