its like to compare the 1% of best players in dota. i dont think there is much difference but time spent playing this game
being better than 95% of players in the game means you are trash according to this website
this is 79% and it's 3.7k
this is 4.3k 93%
lol i didn't know of this feature
apparently 5.3k is 99.6% percentile
and 4.8 party is 98.5
let's say 90-95% of players can't play the game than
Pretty big usually - 5k player dont really know when to do what they just usually do the same thing every game - Also in mid they will do poorly vs higher players
i'm closing to 5k and still have 0 idea what's going on in the game
i don't have any game plan, i can't really guess what's going to happen or what should be happening, i usually react to current situation instead of predicting it and preparing for it
i don't think that anyone below 6k knows how to play dota
here is the distribution of players:
5,3k mmr = 1 out of 1000 dota players
Difference between 4k and 5k is quite big. Tempo of the game is different, much faster. 5ks quickly use their advantage turning it into objectives, while 4ks are learning it. 4ks also tilt very ez, and usually laning stage decides about the score.
But difference between 5ks and 6k or more is huge. 5ks still make a lot of mistake and overaggresion is quite common, while 6ks + make very few mistakes, which u have to take advantage of with cold blood.
What is the difference between all dota players and miracle? He and dota are one. His mind, his soul, his hands, his eyes are dota. While the rest of the world is not miracle. Dats de difrens.
I'm not sure if 5.5k to 6.5k is bigger than 4.3k to 5.5k. I'm 4.3k now and I don't think me and players around me are noticable better than 3.8-4k ones
"I'm not sure if 5.5k to 6.5k is bigger than 4.3k to 5.5k"
People who are above 5.5k have way better idea of what should be happening and when.
In team fights they will use their spells better and focus the right heroes.
I find people below 5.5k can be pretty clueless about what should be happening, or even what heroes to draft.
People below 5.5k will tend to FOCUS the WRONG hero in fights as carry and support, meaning they lose team fights more, they smoke gank less, they ward/deward less/ take rosh less/ ETC.
IF you made it to 5.5k you are a pretty good player.
Above 5.5k in US east is super try hard. On my 5.3k account I see people with like 11,000 games. lol
from the centric perspective - 4.3k is a joke and not dota, 7k players see me as a joke. yes, the difference is huge.
" I'm 4.3k now and I don't think me and players around me are noticable better than 3.8-4k ones"
This doesn't suggest anything at all about people who are 5.5k+ or 6.5k+
just think of it this way, 6-7k mmr is professional dota player level. They aren't all pros cus being a pro requires a team, connections etc. But you could take those pubstars and put them on pro teams. 5k? They'd get ran off the map in a pro tournament. It's like comparing millionaires (top 1%) with billionaires (top 0.1%)
" I'm 4.3k now and I don't think me and players around me are noticable better than 3.8-4k ones"
well it kind of depends, a lot of 4k players are really just 3k players who spam the right shit. I know a ton of people spammed spectre last patch to break 4k. Before that it was OD, before that it was bloodseeker, before that troll and sniper. Currently idk what they spam, lifestealer? In general though I think you're not that wrong, 4k players are a lot faster than 3k players but don't really make hugely different decisions. But they're faster and do a lot better in lane and fights because of it.
the difference would be falling at micro-macro skills 6k plus would little by little annoyance to farm for example, and hero and unit control. you would notice once you fought it, your rekting him in early game? later in late game you would see, look at E.G for example they had a game where they never fought a early or mid game no kills just farm some supports would bait their life just to save their hard farmed carry, then a time the 30-5 score the enemy was over confident they pushed mid gg EG black hole eg staight mid ggwp ez
I wanted to say that 4.3k is noticable worse than 5.5k. And I think 5.5k vs 6.5k is smaller gap compared to 4.3k to 5.5k..
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Just curious, I'm no-where near that mmr so I can't say.
How a legit 5.5-5.8k player would be able to deal with legit 6.5k-7k guy coinsidering both play same role?
Also, how big is gap between like 4.3k and 5.5k+? Is it bigger than 3.5k vs 4.3k or smaller?