General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvices

Advices in General Discussion

    Hi, could you give me some advices how to improve my playstyle? Currently I am sitting at 2.8k MMR and I hope to get it higher. I would love to climb to about 3.5k MMR, if I get good enough.

    One of problems which I know about is the fact, that I am really strugling with farming as carry. So if you would help me with your advices on this as well it would be great.

    Vem Comigo

      First, C.U.T. corps is no more, go back to your dirty avatar, the was is over you maggot.
      Next Why are you strugling to farm, is the lane to hard, they harass you non-stop, or you have a problem last hitting.
      If the lane is to hard EX: Axe+omni, or Huskar+lich, Huskar+Dazzle, the only way to win is to gain the lane back by brute force, call your sups, try to get 2-4 kills on the lane assert your dominance.
      They harass you non-stop, ask for help,I know the 2k bracket is really bad to find people willing to help, but its the only way, you can put money on passive regen but its only gonna work for the enemy, since you are wasting farm for something that you will not use later.
      If you can time your last hits, like you get 3-4 of the 5 creeps of each wave, pick any hero, go mid, on a unfair bot game, and if the enemy mid isnt ranged restard the game, that is the best way to practice lanning, especially with a viper mid on unfair.


        With farming its none of above to be honest, most of the time at least. I just cant switch between lines and jungle farming fast enough and my GMP then starts falling of and I dont know how to deal with that problem. Anyway thanks for help!


          Your lich winrate is impressive. I'd continue playing supports and learn the game from the ground up, playing support teaches you how to make the most out of the little ressources and farm you got. It also teaches you about proper positioning and when you make mistakes it isnt as punishing. Stop playing OD, he was balanced and then got nerf-hammered bc people were crying about him, hes back to trash-tier again. You seem to die alot, pick your fights more wisely, dont go for stupid picks-offs, dont search big team fights when youre behind. Watch pro players, not with guided, or free camera but out of players perspective. See what they do and think how you could implement this into your game. Look at the minimap - a lot! Call when somebody is missing (you can just alt-click on their hero-picture at the top if you dont have a microphone), establish rune control, stack camps,....