General Discussion

General DiscussionMMR Calibration!

MMR Calibration! in General Discussion

    When i first started playing dota, my friends told me: "Play ranked its no different then normal". I was like ok, I didnt know how calibration works. I got calibrated around 600 mmr, I was total noob back then, I stop playing ranked and i play 500 normal games, i watched a lot of guides, pro games, and i read a lot about game, heros, items, etc.. And i can say that i got good, not pro good, but good enough.

    I stared to play ranked games again, and it was very difficult. I got to 1k, then get back 500, then back to 1k. This month, i got from 1k to 1,9k which i think its pretty good. And here is the problem i got into. Players are batter under 1k then around 2k. I have a lot of friends and i saw a lot of players who have over 2k and 3k but they dont know how to play.

    Last 3 days were horrible, I lost 70% of my games, When i look at those players profile, they are total noobs. They have 2k- 3k mmr, and they dont know were to put wards, how items works, or even worse, they dont know how abillitys of their heros works. Its very frustrating.

    I cant say that im perfect every game, i have my bad moments, but I get so angry when i see that some people have "high" mmr and they dont deserve it, And because of pepole like that its very ahr to go any where.

    So please, is there any solution for this, because its not balanced? Can Valve come up with new system?


      Lol are u sure 2-3k mmr are bad? What about their plays make you say it's bad? It makes more sense that u are bad and don't understand what they are doing. They see things differently from u. My experience in 1kmmr is that they lack a lot of game knowledge, have a set formula for winning, and hence when 2ks make certain decisions, 1ks simply don't understand the rationale behind it and get pissed. Sounds like u mate. My suggestion, learn more about dota strategy like split pushing, farming efficiently, ganking vs 5 man. Until then u will always think 2k make bad plays

      El Dongerino

        I've played with a friend who is 3K. Whenever we're teamfighting 4v5, he's often split-pushing and playing rat doto. Heroes such as Ember Spirit, Nature's Prophet, Lone Druid, Tinker, etc. can win you the game, especially if the other team doesn't have TPs. If you do that, make sure you check the minimap to see if the enemy heroes are coming to gank you and get back.


          Well, thank you for your comment. I was talking from my experiance, about people i know. And you cant make statement that Im bad player just because i wrote this topic. Thats very arrogant. I didnt say that i was best player, but im right about these things.
          You are right about that, that they dont know strategy, its very hard to find decent player who actually knows strategy and when to do what. They dont know when to push, when to gank, when to defend, stack camps, deward, those things get on my nerves.


            El dongerino, ty for comment. Same here, i played with friends and they all have different mmr, from 1,.5 all to 5k. And some players with 3 k are just not that good like 2k players. And also in party is much easier because of comunication, In solo, people just dont want to listen, they going Rambo all over place, no team work, supports dont buy wards, dust. It very frustrating.


              I make the easy assumption that u are bad based on ur comment that 3k players are bad. Which suggest that u seem to know dota at a level higher thAn 3k players. Which I seriously seriously doubt. It is probably the case that u don't know how to work together w a 3k. Or have no synergy with what they do. Because u don't understand what they do. 3k players can solo carry a 1k game with ease. The fact that they are 3k and u are 1k/2k tells me u are the Terrible one in the team (no offence). Otherwise u would be 3k already?

              What is more likely is that u don't belong near 2k. Games get harder obviously the higher u climb. It's easy to think that others are bad. But it's more likely that u make bad decisions that cause ur team to fall behind. Obviously when ur team is behind they look bad when they feed. Doesn't mean they are that bad all the time

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                Reason dota communtiy is bad, is because of people like you. And what makes you think that you are good enough to even make statements like this. Usualy you are the cancer who ruin game for everyone. If you didnt came here to be solution to problem and make some smart sentence, then dont be problem either.


                  I don't have much to contribute to the original discussion (sorry, though I am in a similar position, feels man) but I do want to add that holy ****, beefballs you really are cancerous.

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                    Gunslinger mate. Don't feel bad. I'm being very objective here. If u can't accept the truth, how do u expect to get better? U might think I'm cancerous, but u get what u deserve, by calling ppl with a higher rating than u noobs, u are the exactly the cancerous arrogant person u think I am. Except, when I lose I recognize my mistakes and always try to have PMA in my games. I can safely say that I have 100% less toxic attitude in games. But hey, OP u asked for help, u need to recognize the problem. I told u already, u are bad and u don't realize certain decisions that 3k players make. I'm not flaming u. Don't feel bad. Take it as advice to get better


                      Ty for enlightened me God. Pls next time before you ruin someone else topic, read carefully what that person said, before you talk garbage.

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                        Lol. And this is why u are sub 2k scrub bro. Attitude is everything in dota. Ur probably cancer as fuck in ur games. Sorry to say. The reason u lose 70% of games is because u are bad. I give up on u. U probably won't get better with any advice.

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                          GunslingeR, I have the same problem, i calibrated 900 mmr when i first got into the game as noob, went down to 200 mmr, now im doing international and have 1.3k the people are way better than what 200mmr was like so i thought 2k-3k must be godlike people. However i have a friend at my school that plays LoL and is like gold 4 (which is high in league). So she started dota answered all the game's questions with very experienced MOBA player and etc. and she calibrates 2.9k. mmr below 4k doesnt really mean shit imo. People like beefballs just like feeling good about themselves because they have 1k mmr over your head.


                            i can see his chat in games, he isnt toxic btw XD, nice "Objective Observation" beefballs


                              Wow you are still talking, good for you "mate" . I wish you all the best!


                                Rlly though, the only way to get out is international ranked or just start a whole new steam account for dota and calibrate higher.


                                  beefballs = triple steal = arin


                                    Tbh I wasn't flaming u OP. it's just fact that I had to point out it was u who is "bad" (sorry for strong language) when u were claiming that 3k players were the bad ones, when it was really
                                    Obvious that there were other explanations for ur losing games rather than them being bad. Too bad u can't see the truth. I don't feel good or anything being higher mmr than u. I was once low 2ks. But I climb by having a good attitude and trying to learn more strategy which was my initial advice to u. Take it or leave it.


                                      Danny: I was talking about persons around me, and what i saw. Reason I wrote this topic is about calibration process. About how some people got higher mmr, and when you see thier progress, they just going downwards.


                                        Lol Danny. My
                                        Objective observation went out the fkn window when he started whining like a little bitch. I admit that was just me flaming. But I apologize


                                          Bruh GunslingeR. After looking at your stats... I think I have to agree with beefballs. You've never been in a High/Very high skill braket game (read up on how that is deteremined) hence it's safe to conclude that you're in the same rank as your peers (people of your calibre) the way to move up, is like what Danny Boi and beefballs have been saying, to accept that you're just not that good.


                                            high skill and VHS doesnt start until 3.2k so that doesnt mattter, he avg over 500 gpm on core carries and has high LH over time and 60-56% WR depending on ranked or not for this week and month, he is doing fine rlly, on top of that his chat looks ok, i'd think he would be higher mmr. He's not bad, just forced winrate coming for his balls once again, or as non-believers would say "tilted". You'll be fine in a week.

                                            LoL community > Dota community

                                            Beefballs is cancerous

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                                              60% wr definitely means that he is not where he belongs. As expected of someone who calibrated below 1k mmr but has taken the time to learn the game. But gaining almost 1k mmr has got to put u somewhere around ur peak mmr and hence games are gonna be much closer to 50% or sub 50 % if he went higher than his abilities. Which is what seems to be the case when he approached 2k. Op is probably not good enough to win games at that level hence he is complaining about how 2k3k players are not good.


                                                Not really. His WR is projected steeper at this point than earlier in the past few months, this week is only down 2-3% for him, which is 56%, that just means that he is tilted, not that he has hit his peak, peak is when you start to flatline. kind of looks like the top of a half rainbow. he is still climbing and is projected to.


                                                  U are right. I didn't actually look at his win rate. It could be he is tilted. It could be that he is approaching his peak. It does seem like his wintate is starting to fall from his high of 56%. I'd say he probably
                                                  Peak around 2.5k though. It could be that He is just not used to higher mmr games yet, though he may be able to play at the same level. That's always a problem when u move up in skill brackets. U have to adjust to the play styles of ppl on higher brackets.


                                                    ^ true but honestly what of his stats makes you think he is the problem in his games. His team are the ones that struggle.

                                                    lm ao

                                                      Sup OP

                                                      I used to be bad as you, but dont worry. I see you are pissed with 2k average games just because youve hit your mmr ceiling already.

                                                      I suggest that you play more 2k average games. Even smurf for a while (thats important because your nmm rating is prob. mid 1ks still). Experience is the best teacher. I used to have sub 50% winrate so I spammed nmm to learn. Now im queueing with low 3ks in nmm (my rmm rating was 1.8k -> 1.3k -> 2.5k). I hit my ceiling at mid 2ks, so I started spamming nmm. Now the only way I lose games now is when I play new heroes or I intentionally throw games xd.

                                                      Also, its important never to give up games. As long as your ancient is up, you still have a chance to win. Positive mental attitude is the key, no matter how pathetic it sounds. My last timber game was such a disaster during the laning phase: our mid sf died 4 times to pudge, our axe backdoor laned despite being solo, and i tried a stupid meme build called _MAX_REACTIVE_ARMOR_BUILD_420. What i did, instead of blaming those 2 idiots, i made huge space for them. I assisted them for kill setups so they can catch up. The usual. We won :)


                                                        Given that he recently got a lot of mmr, it is likely He is not used to playing with ppl who can hold their own against him. Probably not as quick with taking objectives. Blaming teammates is usually symptom of not being able to find openings to carry the game. Fuck stats. I can feed all game but if I know what is the game winning opening I'm more likely to win a game. Doing the same thing in 1k games, get farm, get kills, may land u wins in 1k. Doing the same thing in 1k mmr higher may mean u have good farm, items, kills, but u r not experienced enough to know how to close out the game, make more late game mistakes that result in opponents finishing the game. And again. Blaming ur teammates is a symptom that u cannot find the openings that came so easily in the past.

                                                        I don't know how is it that he is matched w 2/3k players tbh. But if that's the case then I'm just assuming that it should be his fault if he is the lowest mmr, and he is playing core too. I made a lot of assumptions, but they are based on him being around 2kish and playing w 3k. Safe to say it's his fault just based on this fact.