General Discussion

General DiscussionIs sabre for braindamaged?

Is sabre for braindamaged? in General Discussion
sin blyadi

    ^ not discsussing slark here, but other heroes

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        It might solve their issue because Echo Sabre increase owner Intelligence by 10 points.

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        Story Time

          just dont get it on agility heros, they are better off with smth that actually increase their speed of attack. And anyway it will be sold in the late game.


            on tiny tho...


              Lol, brain dead normal skill player , this item is so op and you fking didnt notice it

              sin blyadi

                Vhs doesnt know basics of maths lmao


                  people say it's pretty good on spec
                  and zenoth posted somewhere his naix build where he was wrecking everyone with armlet sabre deso


                    sven, naix, and tiny are good candidates for echo

                    less common heroes would be slardar and spirit breaker


                      ck is quite good too


                        Any melee hero that actually has trouble with mana should get it -- CK/Naix/Spectre/Slark/Slardar/SB/Sven/WK etc -- solves nearly every mana problem on heroes that don't build linkens or battlefury ; accelerates farm & can improve their on attack passive spells.
                        For Tiny it's great ; Blink > Sabre > Scepter.


                          Tested naix with armlet echo deso on an alt. Fuck dude just runs over ppl


                            LMAO ,3k scrubs sucks so hard :( , brain dead player , you should delete dota