General Discussion

General DiscussionHow do i boost GPM

How do i boost GPM in General Discussion

    Throughout my last few games that ive done well on, i've noticed (especially with slark) that i have a generally high XPM but i have around a 100-200 gap between XPM and GPM normally around 400-500 GPM with 550 - 750 XPM. Is this normal or am i doing a whole bunch of stuff wrong. I'm only 1k mmr so if you have any ideas please tell me. But the really weird thing is that this never happens when i play storm spirit.


      If your xpm is way higher than your GPM that means that you are missing a lot of lh or you are getting a lot of assists with no kills. The first case would be the most probable one and yes, it is very wrong.

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        it doesnt matter. snowball heroes tend to have higher xpm than gpm. because at one point youll start chasing heroes down and you will outlevel everyone. its not that your farm will suffer much because of it, its just you will level out of control. slark is one of them.


          ^That is not true... Snowball heroes arent an excuse to miss lh ESPECIALLY with slark who is known for being an excellent farmer. I can understand some sort of core riki having a little higher xpm than gpm othwerise no.

          Miku Plays

            it doesnt matter as long as u dont die too often and u destroy the other teams ancient first.


              hire a booster, he will boos you mmr, winrate and gpm+xpm along with that


                hit creeps more often


                  i agree with soultraps answer

                  >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                    Play Alch 25 games in a row, and win 25 games in a row.
                    Your GPM will be off the charts.


                      protip: learn from china team.
                      even more protip: ask burning. he will teach you how to reach 900gpm with AM in no time.


                        missing lh what?
                        who is talking about missing lh. you farm your core with slark (sb, blink whatever) then you farm heroes. you are not missing last hits just because your xpm is higher than your gpm, what kind of nonsense is that.
                        and yes, all snowball heroes tend to have higher xpm than gpm, unless youre an alchemist. if youre playing 1 hour games then your xpm will naturally decrease, but you shouldnt play 1 hour game with slark to begin with.

                        but what do i know, 4k mmr advice reigns supreme.

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