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General Discussion[Help] Roamer pick replacement tips!

[Help] Roamer pick replacement tips! in General Discussion
♛ O Excomungado

    Hello everyone from Dotabuff!

    First of all i'd like to apologize you guys, about my grammar (i'm from Brazil). I hope you can understand my questions.

    I'm in vacation and i've spent my free time reading 'reddit', dotabuffs topics , watching many videos from pro gamers and etc.

    After that i analyzed my current bracket (3k at South America server), i notice that 3k gamers don't like play support / roam. So i choosed play this role!

    I'm playing support/roam role at my ranked games, and the time i've spent playing Bounty Hunter 50 times, almost on a sequence, was worth it.

    But now bounty Hunter received 2 nerfs (Jinada and Toss) and i'd like to try another offlaners, that fits in the current meta 6.87c.

    Which are the good replacements for him? I'm thinking in Tusk, Earth Spirit, Mirana and Eartshaker. All of them can make a good job since level 1.

    Could you give me your opnion?

    Thank you guys!

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert

      bounty hunter and eart spirit are still by far the best ones, despite the nerfs. top3 is doom.
      tusk is kinda out of meta, as well as eartshaker. mirana isnt a good roamer either, shes strong as mid/carry atm.


        "3k gamers don't like play support / roam. So i choosed play this role!"
        "i'd like to try another offlaners"


        Swap Commends

          Try rikki
          Boot,orb of venom,blight stone for early items.Build agility items as much as possible even if they look low.With kills u might be able to buy wards & deward.
          If u dominate go for yasha then purge blades.Then S&Y and carry items.Since at 3k carries may be retarded its safe to build your rikki into a core/semicore hero as u go on.
          Gank mid or safe lane whenever possible.At 3k some retarded ppl go jungle from min 0.Use this window to stop them from farming and get some kills.
          It would be better if u stay offlane & levelup faster.
          U can check my rikki games.I am 3k too.

          ♛ O Excomungado

            Soultrap, sorry.

            I usually goes offlane too , i forgot to tell you that. Instead of stay there, i prefer to roam and help my teammates constantly. 3k mmr have many legion commanders , lifestealers, nature prophet that sits on jungle and just leave with a 2k~4k item.

            Solo yolo and TripleSteal, Thank you guys!

            The only con for me is about Earth Spirit and his skills, i need practice them!

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