General Discussion

General DiscussionStream 08/05

Stream 08/05 in General Discussion
Johnny Rico

    So i will stream Tomorrow,
    I will finally play ranked mm, South American server, looking for 1k-2k people, if you want to join just post your steam page here, i will add.
    I will stream to get better, accept any kind of advice ,every sunday at 2:30 UTC -3 / 6:40 GMT, will probably play 4-5 games.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

      Every Sunday huh? I have a 12 hour shift on Monday, so I will see what is going on there.
      If I may ask, what is your party mmr?

      Johnny Rico

        Dont have party MMR, need 8TBD

        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

          Hmm, mine is 2.7 or 2690 can't remember. I'm up for it may be since the games will be super easy

          Johnny Rico

            You will play On South American Server? you may get some lag.

            >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

              I play on US West mainly o. o