General Discussion


mom said it's my turn to ...

    Wait. Arent we only talking about 2 black hats and 1 white one? Seeing as the white hat was on front wouldnt you immediately call out black?

    Dire Wolf

      No there are 3 black hats and 2 white ones total.


        Is it mother?

        mom said it's my turn to ...

          Okay I get it now. Geez my tilt is actually worse than I thought -.-


            Is OP dead?


              I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. What am I?

              lm ao

                fucking op

                [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                  I had boil on my thigh dude. Later i will continue diss quiz. I get this boil because sitting 8-12 hours a day, doctor said :V

                  [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                    Sorry for dat 2 dudes who havent got the 1 month codes. I saved 1 month dotabuff codes at my work pc. Its holiday so u should wait.

                    Question, what is the possible quickest way to cure boil? And when will my boil cured (exact date, 1 people only have 1 chance to guess the date, spam=disqualified) ? I hate having minor operation to cure that. It will ruin my thigh :V

                    Reward : 1 year dotabuff+ code

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                      u should use ulcer. boil commonly use to "mendidih"

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                      [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                        A boil, also called a furuncle, is a deep folliculitis, infection of the hair follicle. It is most commonly caused by infection by the bacterium Staphylococcus aureus, resulting in a painful swollen area on the skin caused by an accumulation of pus and dead tissue.


                          Jesus. The answer is Jesus.


                            ^owh, nc explanation



                              Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                1. Wash the boil and surrounding area using mild soap and warm water.
                                2. Add salt to warm water and stir well. (you need the salt to disinfect the "wound", which is covered by pus)
                                3. Soak a washcloth in the water and wring.
                                4. Place it on the boil and its surrounding area.
                                5. Leave for 10 to 15 minutes.
                                6. Repeat 3 to 4 times daily with fresh washcloths for best results.

                                Edit: how long it takes depends on the size of the boil you have, it can be away in a day, or it can be away in max. a week

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                                  Apply warm compresses and soak the boil in warm water. This will decrease the pain and help draw the pus to the surface. Once the boil comes to a head, it will burst with repeated soakings. This usually occurs within 10 days of its appearance. You can make a warm compress by soaking a wash cloth in warm water and squeezing out the excess moisture.
                                  When the boil starts draining, wash it with an antibacterial soap until all the pus is gone and clean with rubbing alcohol. Apply a medicated ointment (topical antibiotic) and a bandage. Continue to wash the infected area two to three times a day and to use warm compresses until the wound heals.
                                  Do not pop the boil with a needle. This could make the infection worse.

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                                    burn it

                                    Giff me Wingman

                                      You can't do much against it and it will take around a week to fully heal. So my date is bassicially 1 week after you first got it.


                                        Date; May 15


                                          Jon Snow?

                                          Dire Wolf

                                            Rapshorui is it a shadow? Or a rainbow?

                                            ASSESS Product

                                              Just turn it off and on again.


                                                Probably shadow


                                                  cyka blyat
                                                  and ur done

                                                  mom said it's my turn to ...

                                                    Apply chainsaw to affected area.

                                                    JARANG GOYANG!

                                                      what is the possible quickest way to cure boil? And when will my boil cured

                                                      1. call doctor
                                                      2. u need money ( money is life man )
                                                      3. tell your parents
                                                      4. dont cry if u still have that

                                                      this is the fastest ways and its free :
                                                      1. pray to your god
                                                      2. make a note for your familly tell them dont cry
                                                      3. kill yoursef

                                                      another ways :
                                                      1. go to google
                                                      2. find it and try it
                                                      3. if still cant ,try the fastest way

                                                      more another way ;
                                                      2. there is a 22 method for it
                                                      3. if still cant ,try the fastest way

                                                      more more another way:
                                                      1. ask your friend
                                                      2. whatever he said , JUST DO IT nothing impossible
                                                      3. if still cant , kill your friend

                                                      more more more another way:
                                                      2. they said 15 herbal for get rid the boils
                                                      3. if still cant ,try the fastest way

                                                      JARANG GOYANG!

                                                        ps: that typos....
                                                        contains offensive language or a banned term

                                                        Harassment:Do not make posts or links to any websites that insult another player or person, or which would result in the harassment of a player or person by others. Harassment comes in many forms and is not limited to specific words or behaviors. Repeatedly targeting a specific player can lead to more severe action being taken.

                                                        thanks admin ,KappaPride --"

                                                        Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          op is just a retard who needs attention, guessing when a boil will go away? seriously? let's take back the riddle thread with actual riddles.


                                                            3 years ago, Jack, my best friend went crazy. He stabbed Tracie, his girlfriend to death and attacked me. The police managed to subdue him before he killed me too. He's been in an asylum ever since and I decided to never visiting him.

                                                            Today, I got a letter from him in the mail. The postmark was yesterday. I opened it and found a strange note inside:

                                                            "Tonight the wind blows colder still.
                                                            All I know is darkness, never light.
                                                            The pain will break strongest hearts.
                                                            My dreams still escape my grasp."

                                                            Once I finished reading it, my face went pale and the note slipped from my fingers. I rushed to the front door and started screaming.

                                                            Can you explain my reaction?

                                                            Dieser Kommentar wurde geändert
                                                            [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                                                              Guess the exact date :V
                                                              I got medication for doctor because i avoid the injection.

                                                              And for you dire wolf, am i wrong giving things for free because u help me solve my problem?

                                                              lm ao

                                                                May 15


                                                                  Use antibiotics (don't know exactly which) and in may 18 will be gone if you start today

                                                                  Â INV MENYA LP PARTY

                                                                    may 11

                                                                    JARANG GOYANG!

                                                                      May 8~~~~~~~~~


                                                                        May 12


                                                                          OP, When'll you fucking gift me???


                                                                            May 16

                                                                            [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                                                                              Calm d fuk down dude Sand1P. 1 month code stored at my work pc. Ive been resting home for nearly a week. And good news tha boil getting better.

                                                                              Dire Wolf

                                                                                Jack is you, you're a schizophrenic and you just realized you are in the insane asylum yourself.

                                                                                SmPLy Sir Walken



                                                                                    Nope that's not an answer yet.

                                                                                    Hint: 1-1, 2-2, 3-3, 4-4

                                                                                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                                                      Lifestealer is the answer.
                                                                                      Instead of buff for a year I will give you my address so you can order me pizza, ty

                                                                                      [SPARTANS] KEIJI

                                                                                        U want a situational question?
                                                                                        Lets talk about TRUMP!!
                                                                                        Give your best opinion about Donald J Trump,
                                                                                        Reward :
                                                                                        - 50USD Steam Wallet Code for 2 best opinion
                                                                                        - 1 year Dotabuff+ for lucky pick

                                                                                        1. 1 opinion for 1 ID, and yes you can edit that as you like.
                                                                                        2. SARA, hell yes
                                                                                        3. Minimum 50 words/opinion.
                                                                                        4. No spam or copy-paste.
                                                                                        5. I will tell you when i got best opinion.

                                                                                        TRUMP, MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!!

                                                                                        Player 175043649

                                                                                          god emperor

                                                                                          acc buyers in my team

                                                                                            All i read is that he wants to make america great again, which is hilarious since apparently some of his business went bankrupt and he doesn't seem to be all that good as it is. Also the shit he is saying only leads me to believe that he also does seem like a jerk and a retard in many ways. He is downright a racist, that says that moslems have to get attacked by law enforcement, that he wants to make a wall between mexico and the US because in his oppionion Mexicans are criminals, the hilarious part is, that he said that mexico should even PAY FOR THE WALL. He also thinks that he will be able to get along well with putin, which i think he is very mistaken, since putin is way smarter than trump and probably dislikes people like trump. He is also a retard that thinks, that climate change happen because the weather is different, i suppose this is because of his religious background, that he refuses to accept the science behind it. He is also against abortion, again, because of religious belief.

                                                                                            In a nutshell:
                                                                                            He is a racist and religious retard. He doesn't use reason, logic and science, instead he wants to believe in his god and disregard any reason and logic because of it. Don't get me wrong, I have no problems with religious people, but when their religious belief starts to fuck up their own common sense, then I'm honestly concerned. He will basicially try to make people disregard evolution at school, make people have to learn about adam and eve and accept it as fact, make abortion illegal and so on. I don't think, that a person, that honestly thinks, that the world is fucking 6.000 year old and that dinosaurs and humans lived with each other could benefit a country at all. To be perfecly honest, if that retards is the new president,i think he will only make things far worse.


                                                                                              how can you claim someones opinion is "best"...

                                                                                              however imho, you have no need to worry about Trump or what he might do, or even care about what he does since his chances of winning an election are very low.

                                                                                              According to hilary clinton has a -275 standing, which for those of you that don't know about betting means you would need to place a $275 dollar bet to win $100, and that number goes up almost every day. It is expected that if bernie supporters switch over at least 80% to hilary, that number goes to -400.

                                                                                              That puts trump at ~20% odds before he even gets to make a fool of himself in the main election.

                                                                                              acc buyers in my team

                                                                                                There is no way in hell that a person like trump would ever make it. I mean that guy is a complete moron.


                                                                                                  Ok so i gona write 50 words cause i wana win, all this shit is confusing right, nobody knows who to chose cause clinton seems to be like a bandit person hiring hitmans and shit and trump is just a litle bit insane and has crazy ideas. Trump sounds like he can be the last president of USA but that doesn't mean chose clinton cause she even worse and seems to be like last president of USA aswell, not good stuff right, what for sure they not gona fix the 20trillion debt, so its a rip i guees, no 9k for usa, miracle will be 9k first.