General Discussion

General DiscussionIt's troll boys n' girls

It's troll boys n' girls in General Discussion
Dire Wolf

    This guy is fucking back. Ok, ok just one game and it helps when your mid goes 6-0-6.

    But holy shit echo sabre was like built for him. Just skip aquila and buy a quarterstaff instead, then you get plenty of mana regen from the oblivion staff. Getting two instant stacks of fervor is just sweet.

    And revamped silver edge is really good on him too since it's just more stats and cheaper. Honestly I don't know where to fit s&y in anymore cus if you go phase boots, tp, dominator, echo, bkb, silver edge, then you gotta start selling items or getting boots of travel already. I guess from there you sell echo and buy two of either butterfly, daedulus, mkb for your 6 slots.


      theres no need for dominator though, you'd get it previously for the fast rosh but with rosh hard to kill and quelling not working anymore, its not worth it

      imo it slows your core for the convenience of farming slightly more efficiently


        To me it seems that you made no impact in that game what so ever.

        Judging from stats it seems that you farmed whole time and picked up few kills when it was already over. Am I wrong? Maybe.

        But then again, he's not back, at elast not more than he used to be in 6.86..


          ^agree, still crap


            Are they trying to make terror blade a jungler now? He has no hp for lane to be fair but with a poor man's he will have like 12 armour and illusions get damage block. Shit through the jungle. Maybe an early vanguard could give him the hp he needs and that's also damage block I guess. Thoughts?



              Totentanz to The King: M ...

                How the fuck would Echo Sabre be made for a hero that already attacks twice in a second?

                [ALL HAIL THE TINY SNEK GOD]

                  ^ Because you get more attacks to proc the bash, you build up fevor faster and you get to attack them for longer because of the slow

                  @offlane quelling not work anymore? What are you talking about?

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                  Dire Wolf

                    cus the extra attack applies your fervor stacks faster and with the mana regen you can skip aquila, why is this so hard to understand? And troll's buff was an extra stack of fervor so it's basically a free stack now.

                    And I had tons of impact that game, yeah team was good, any carry could've won, but I won two big team fights before we raxed them just used silver edge to kill PA and mowed down the rest of their team.

                    Don't knock it til you try it, troll is good.

                    I think dominator is still necessary for a man fighting core plus you don't want to have to regen some other way between fights.


                      @phoenix you are trying to show ur superior dota knowlede to a 6k player.


                        and why dont u just go normal troll build, this item loses its value on troll after like first attack

                        Dire Wolf

                          Idk I want to try something different. It still has mana regen which troll needs, either through aquila or this, it has some decent stats. So many cheap good items now though, even diffusal blade could be a good troll item now.

                          Not Trying!

                            I think echosaber is much suitable for tiny.. might be the best..


                              look at his TD he did fine quit critiqueing him

                              Dire Wolf

                                I welcome critiques. It helps you improve. Maybe I'll find a better build later and drop sabre who knows?


                                  i dont mean critique in that since i mean like "To me it seems that you made no impact in that game what so ever." - i just think that is a little uneccessary. critique at least to me is, "it looks like you didnt pull enough kills in comparison to your farm, try to rotate more and go for kills while ahead." but if your fine with it thats cool.


                                    I like how you used echo sabre for the mana regen and ferver stack to skip ring of aquila, however, you may want to try infused raindrops (that is if you need the regen... i dont really play troll so if echo sabre is just for mana i would encourage the rain drops for magic resistance). Also dont forget to utilize stacking ancients once or twice with helm!

                                    P.S. Ring got nerfed and the armor is only 2 now so it isnt as good for pushing and tanking.

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                                    me, government hooker



                                        im pretty sure that items garbage on troll


                                          its active is kinda useless for heroes with high attack speed, and troll is definetely one of them.
                                          apparently u can get this item on sb, wk, and roaming tiny.

                                          Professor Dog

                                            Yeah echo is the new dagon for this hero.


                                              Echo sabre has an active? I think it would be good because you can very quickly get all the melee attack stacks needed with the .6 second debuff as well as keep them stunned with trolls melee passive.


                                                i meant passive, sry


                                                  it still seems suboptimal to me but i might be wrong


                                                    Y'all heard it here first boys new item twin Sabres gives plus 20 str , plus 20 int , 150% mana regen, 2 extra hits instead of one , 30 damage, 20 attack speed and 1.2 second ms and as speed slow . Ingredients two echoes and 600 gold recipe .

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                                                    Dire Wolf

                                                      I got it on wk and it was pretty good, always had mana. I got totally rocked in one troll game by an offlane lich + bh combo and my retarded support who put all our sentries in the jungle instead of lane and every other lane got rocked too. But next game echo saber again, won pretty easy and came back from a bad lane start.

                                                      lm ao

                                                        can we have dat twin sabres idea for 6.87b ples

                                                        Dire Wolf

                                                          I'm telling you guys it's working. I keep dying to hard offlanes but as soon as I get echo sabre I can farm back in so fast and man fight anyone with it. It's way better for farm than yasha.

                                                          Died 3 times in lane to a viper necro combo, other lanes held out fine so maybe you say oh he got carried, but look how fast I was able to rebound and lead hero and tower dmg and tied for kills. S&y won't accomplish that.

                                                          Again early deaths to sf and dp offlane (wtf), came back.

                                                          Troll bash chance is so low, and he attacks very slowly until fervor stacks idk why anyone wouldn't want that proc on troll.


                                                            Blademail against troll... They kind of fucked all agi carries