General Discussion

General DiscussionTerrorblade's meta trends this week

Terrorblade's meta trends this week in General Discussion

    This week Terrorblade was picked in a grand total of 0.8% of all games played at the 5k+ level.

    He won only one in three of those games (33%).

    Conversely he was picked in 4.3% of under 2k games and somehow won 60% of them...

    If this hero doesn't get a proper buff to his strength gain I am going to write Icefrog an email outlining exactly why this hero is bad and poorly balanced in the current environment and request he provide him with a proper buff in 6.88.

    Dieses Thema wurde geändert
    mom said it's my turn to ...

      sniper too. He's just horrible at everything atm. No farming ability, shit movement(285 base ms), his attacks hit like cotton swabs, his ult? He feels like he has no strong points whatsoever that right now i think a position 4-5 ench does his job way better than he ever can.


        too bad that 3k redditors' opinion doesnt have any value.. have to drop to 2k for that


          It's not the hero that's bad it's more like the Play style, in 6.87 People Play agressive with agressive pushstrats like Navi or alliance do a lot of the times and they will finish games in 20 minutes. To do something with TB you really Need atleast a Manta + skadi and maybe + 1 item(bkb) and there is no Chance that you got this by 20 minutes. (Kind off the same Story as naga) If they Limit de deathball push and make the games go longer in average i am sure the Terrorblade such we know him now will be a good hero even wihtout any Major changes to the hero.